• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers PureVanilla [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Greylist} {1.15.2}{Mature Active Community}

    Minecraft Servers PureVanilla [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Greylist} {1.15.2}{Mature Active Community}

    PureVanilla [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Greylist} {1.15.2}{Mature Active Community}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    We are in need of morning players, the server gets full in the afternoon

    • Server Name: Pure Vanilla
    • Server IP: play.purevanilla.net
    • Location: NA Chicago
    • Version: 1.15.2

    Join our Discord!

    How do we stand out?:

    • Great premium host.
    • A well-rounded server with no ranks or donor system.
    • Soft anti-lag rules (yet.)
    • Recently new server. (1 Week)
    • Staff contains 1 person (NotClay)
    • No non-vanilla/vanilla handouts from staff.
    • Grief rollbacks
    • very active discord.

    Things you should expect from Pure Vanilla:

    • Community projects.
    • 100% Server Uptime.
    • A close knit community of respectful adults.
    • A long-term place with freedom and acceptance for all kinds of players.


    • Mutual respect of your fellow players, including no griefing, stealing, or insults.
    • Involvement and investment in our community.
    • You must use Discord at least semi-frequently to be a member of Pure Vanilla.

    Join on up and see the server before you apply!

    submitted by /u/cloneman88
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    Blockface [Creative] {1.15.2} {Plots} {Freebuild World} {WorldEdit} {Shop} {Discord/Forums}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Blockface is a brand new Creative Minecraft community. It's aimed for people who's trying to find a place where they can just Chill and talk or build without getting interrupted.

    Quite old and experienced, we're actually founded back then in 2012 but the server itself have been relaunched several time over the years. (About us)

    Server IP: blockface.org

    For some quick overview, please view our Flyer here or see our Getting Started guide. Don't forget to read our Server rules.

    Open Position: We're currently looking for a Builder to build city/infrastructure in our Natural terrain! If you are interested with helping, Please contact me. Click here to see what our members have previously built before.

    Our Worlds

    Flat Plot World

    Large 125x125 Plots (You get one upon joining but you can request to claim more plots later)

    They are mergeable to up to 1000x1000.

    Free Build World

    Don't like Plot? Worry not we have a Natural terrain world, for the advanced builders.

    This World is logged for Grief protected.

    Archived world

    Sometimes we put our old maps online - back from 2011-2017, for people to see.


    • Dead Simple Rank system.
    • Custom plugins, We have a few custom plugins in place and most plugins are heavily configured to suits our need.
    • Large 125 x 125 mergeable plots
    • Natural Freebuild World (For the advanced builders)
    • Gadgets/trails/pets/mounts
    • WorldEdit (Free without voting with some limited features)
    • Armor Stand GUI/BannerMaker GUI
    • Free Rank upgrade
    • Shop and Coins. We have a Coin economy system in which you can earn coin by voting/just being online (Free coins at hourly rate). You can get more permission at the `/shop`
    • Regular Update (We make changes/adjustment regularly to keep improving the server!)

    Join us

    Server IP: blockface.org

    Our Forums: https://blockface.org

    Discord: https://discord.gg/MGxCyBm

    Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Twitch

    submitted by /u/calvinalx
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    MONUMENTA [PVE] {MMO} {RPG} {CTM} {1.13.2} {Dungeons} {Classes} {Quests} {Bosses} {Survival}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Monumenta is a free, Minecraft-based "Complete the Monument" MMORPG.

    Server IP (1.13.2) - server.playmonumenta.com

    Website - playmonumenta.com

    Trailer - https://youtu.be/nr-V4Ie5Dq8

    Discord - discord.gg/eep9qcu

    Centered around difficult, Survival-mode adventure and enhanced "Vanilla+" combat mechanics, Monumenta provides a unique experience to those looking for a cooperative extension to their vanilla experience.

    • Multiple vast, totally custom overworlds populated by scores of respawning mini-dungeons.
    • 17 huge, unique dungeons, each with their own theme, mobs, and loot
    • Seven player classes, each with special abilities, gear and playstyles to augment vanilla combat mechanics.
    • Dozens of quests, with puzzles, interactable dialogue, and a grand story connecting it all
    • Hundreds of named, custom gear pieces
    • Bosses, races, parkour, daily quests, periodic events, and more!

    Server Rules

    It is possible to join the server in 1.15 if you prefer. However, 1.13.2 is recommended. Java only, not Bedrock or Pocket edition.

    Join today!

    submitted by /u/MonumentaMMO
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    SimpleCraft [SMP] {Economy} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Server Name: SimpleCraft

    Server IP: play.simplecraft.org

    Version: Java 1.15.2

    Discord: https://discord.gg/AGWy6Kv

    Hello, hello!

    We are looking for friendly players to join our community. The server provides a unique semi-vanilla experience and a great atmosphere for new and older players. Feel free to hop on and test our atmosphere. We have regular music nights, events and just friendly chats.

    SimpleCraft is a free-to-play (meaning no purchasable ranks available), semi-vanilla Minecraft server with a friendly and welcoming community. The server allows you to claim large amounts of land, set as many homes as you like, pick up spawners and create shops to trade with others. The map is really big (100.000 blocks in all directions), only a small portion of the terrain has been explored as of yet. If you rather live near others, there are some players towns on the server, you can even build your own!

    As the name suggest, we like to keep things simple and as true to the game as possible. Our few rules include: No giefing, no stealing, no cheating and please be mature, respectful and use your common sense! We are not very fond of toxicity, so those players get removed to sustain the peaceful environment on the server.

    If you want to see more check us out on: Instagram

    We are always looking forward to new players and we hope to see you soon!


    submitted by /u/DaCapitall
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    Ingenium [Semi-Vanilla] {Fabric-Carpet} {Tech} {Whitelist} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Ingenium is a friendly 1.15.2 technical server that uses some carpet mod features and datapacks.

    Our rules are the following:
    1) Respect everyone: No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other bigotry will be tolerated. No jokes about members' race, gender, sexual orientation, or disabilities will be tolerated.
    2) If you break something, fix it if you can or otherwise tell someone else to do so.
    3) Keep conversations in discord on topic and in the corresponding channels.
    4) Don't spam and don't ping anyone without a good reason.

    We are a technical server, meaning that we try to optimise and automate as much as possible. We are making some of the most efficient farms there are in Minecraft 1.15.2. We try to design as much ourselves and design new farms. Since we're a technical server we share all the resources with each other, we're 1 big group having fun in Minecraft together. The server is about 8 months old. We have about 15 active members that at least play a few times a week, all members together we're with about 35 meaning there's almost always someone online. The server is relatively new and we're not planning on resetting ever, we're in it for the long term.

    Some of the key projects we've worked on so far include:

    - A 10 player mob switch
    - Hand dug perimeter for Quad Witch Farm
    - A sand and gravel farm using carpet features
    - Full trading hall
    - A 1000 block long tunnel bore for gathering diamonds
    - Made a spawn perimeter

    But we're also working hard on more things like:
    - A 43 slime chunk slime farm with a hand dug perimeter
    - A main storage in the end and working on designing a binary storage
    - A hand dug decorative perimeter with a 10 million block volume
    - A new and improved iron farm

    And we're planning much more like:
    - A string farm
    - A new wither mob switch in the nether and a shulker mob switch in the end
    - Fortress farm
    - An improved general mob farm + perimeter
    - Much much more

    We use some carpet features and datapacks, those are either small quality of life improvements or features that remove the need for duping, which makes getting the resource that much more interesting:
    - Shulkers respawn
    - Husks spawn only in desert temples and husks drop sand
    - Silverfish convert a stone block to gravel after going into it
    - Stack empty shulker boxes
    - Everything can be found in discord under #server-rules-and-info

    We are looking for all kinds of players, if you're a technical player or a builder or a grinder, you can apply. Applications are voted on by all members and happen through a google form where we test your knowledge and a ticket in discord to send us some of the things you've done in the past in Minecraft. Our servers run on a dedicated host and backups are taken every 3 hours.

    We have a total of 3 servers:
    SMP: our survival server
    CMP: the creative copy of our server for testing
    FMP: a flatworld server for designing and testing
    Imgur album of the server: https://imgur.com/gallery/5zYND17
    Discord link: https://discord.gg/MKM44sb
    Application form: https://forms.gle/vmW943NsB5dCH4Ni7

    If you have any questions you can ask them in discord or you can send me a PM.

    submitted by /u/Couch_Lion
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    HearthCraft [SMP] {1.15} {Never Resets} {mcMMO} {Dynmap} {Level-up Perks} {Pet System}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Amidst the coldness of the outside world, we at HearthCraft offer you a place to keep yourself warm with sweet hellos, joyful laughter, and lively conversations. 🔥🎉

    Server Details

    Why should I join?

    Well, just to give you some background, HearthCraft has been a SMP server for anyone for a year now. We've been giving people smiles, fun times, memories, and friends to people of all kinds since October 2018.

    If you're a Minecraft veteran, I assume you've been in these kinds of servers:

    1. Everyone is just minding their own business. The chat is too flooded to notice you join.
    2. An overly strict and tight one where the staff members, among all people, are the ones rude to you.
    3. A hub server that's just... soulless. A sense of community is hardly found.

    HearthCraft, I can say, is the polar opposite of those servers. When you join, assuming there's people online, you'll be welcomed. Everyone's cool, and... warm.

    A fair experience

    The feature we're proud of is our leveling system. Do you know how in some servers, it's either you're a regular or a donator?

    That's absolutely what we avoid.

    We have a leveling system where you can level up and access extra perks at the price of playtime, mcMMO power, and in-game currency.

    Basically, when you play enough, you'll eventually be able to fly, access certain commands, and even talk with color codes.

    Preserving Sentiment

    We understand that a big thing people hate about most servers is that the worlds reset. While we understand that worlds reset for good reasons like everyone has gotten everything, things have gotten pointless, etc., we will make sure it won't get to that. Everything you build will be preserved. Even the graveyard you made for your first horse.

    Last remarks

    Really, we're a continuously growing community, and if you decide to join, we'll welcome you into the Hearth.

    submitted by /u/MarisimIsTaken
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    Odyssey's Edge [PvP] {Factions} {Java} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Edge!

    Odyssey's Edge is a brand new mega-factions server with a lot of fun!
    Upon joining our server, you will see a hub with 3 different portals.
    The different portals take you to Megafactions, Information Hub, and the closed access SMP.
    There are currently 4 nations. (England, France, Spain, and Rome.)
    Each nation has different XP perks that allow you to gain XP and Levels faster than other nations.
    For example, France has a boost in Mining, Excavation, and Woodcutting.

    What you can expect from our server:
    - A very fun experience
    - A friendly player base
    - Activity
    - An economy fully ran by players, with a premium shop plugin
    - Different nations you could choose to join
    - Nation wars and conflicts
    - New nations
    - An organized handbook if you still don't quite understand the concept
    - Elections along the way to elect new nation leaders
    - Bounties
    - Community events
    - New factions as we grow
    - Housing and properties
    - Currencies
    IP: or odyssey.mcph.co
    Discord: https://discord.gg/cQEMFcv

    submitted by /u/jwharton16
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    Natural-Survival [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Discord} {Whitelist} {14+}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:51 AM PDT


    • Server Name: Natural-Survival
    • Server IP: naturalsurvival.mcserv.co
    • Server Location: Los Angles
    • Version: 1.15.2
    • Discord: https://discord.gg/kh9K8e2


    • Applicants must be 14+ at this time
    • Be kind and respectful
    • No Malicious Griefing of Other Players
    • Don't Steal From Others
    • Any Exploitive Clients or X-Ray is Strictly Prohibited
    • No Harassments, Racism or Other Derogatory Means of Hate Speech


    Applications can be found here: https://forms.gle/UDGfZXFkUtMz2vSr6

    You also need to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/kh9K8e2

    Do not bother applying if it's going to be low effort or a troll, you will be rejected.

    Want to see some images of the server? https://imgur.com/gallery/ddkcE4s

    PS: We use the Hermit Craft season 7 seed.

    submitted by /u/Myles_Petersen
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    AzeriaMC [SMP] {Survival}{MCMMO}{RPG}{Jobs}{Economy}{Ranks}{1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    AzeriaMC [Server version 1.15.2]

    IP: play.azeriamc.com

    Website: https://www.azeriamc.com

    Discord: discord.azeriamc.com

    Who We Are

    AzeriaMC, is a friendly community driven server, were we aim to make challenging and fun content for our players to enjoy. With the new launch of the server we are actively looking for new players to join our small community. Before joining are sure to read the server rules here.

    What We Have to Offer

    AzeriaMC offers a Class based leveling system that brings unique skills and Attributes to further enhance the combat and exploration experience.

    Each class hunter, mage ,paladin, rogue, warrior, and human have their own unique skills they can unlocks at each level, along with their own weakness, and strengths, making for a very unique PVP, PVE play style.

    If you enjoy fighting monsters for rewards or just the sheer thrill of battle then the AzeriaMC dungeons are definitely for you. The dungeons are PvE arena, with a class-based system.

    AzeriaMC uses McMMO to incorporate an RPG-like skill system that players will have access to right from the beginning. Depending on how much a certain tool is used or a certain action is performed, players will gain experience that will eventually add bonuses such as double drops, rare drops, or ability enhancement.

    AzeriaMC uses a money based economy system along side an item based system. We try to offer many different ways to earn money from jobs, dungeons, voting, and selling items at the Auction House.

    AzeriaMC gives players the opportunity to earn money by doing up to 3 different jobs. Choose form the various jobs like; Hunter, Farmer, Enchanter, Explorer, Woodcutter, Miner, Builder, Digger, Crafter, Fisherman, Weaponsmith, and Brewer.

    Leveling Mobs
    AzeriaMC adds difficulty to creatures, and a Level Indication based on their distance from Spawn. In addition to leveling, random mob variants have been added Anything from "Poisonous" to "Explosive", or "Weak" to "Sturdy mobs will be found in the wild.

    AzeriaMC offer an RPG-type Guild system to players. From roles, tiers that offer perks, bank, vaults, buffs, private chat, and guild wars.

    Friendly Community
    We believe that the community is the heart of a server, Our staff and players are very welcoming to new players and we have no doubt you'll be making new friends in no time.

    submitted by /u/Gijinkakun
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    Rendezvous [Semi-vanilla] {Season 2} {Whitelist} {1.15.2} {Community Focus} {Discord} {Events} {Hermitcraft-Like} {18+}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Rendezvous is a server with a focus on community, events, and player freedom. Our community flourishes through our Discord server, where the automated application process takes place with the help of bots.

    Here is a link to our Discord channel - https://discord.gg/geHKCm8

    We encourage players to play the game however they like! Griefing, hacking, stealing, and duping (unless specifically permitted through the rules) are not allowed though.

    We try to keep our server as close to "vanilla" survival Minecraft as possible. We are currently running the server on Spigot Paper 1.15.2 with one player sleep and mob-head drops. We have over 30 players whitelisted on the server from all over the world but are looking to significantly increase this number with new players!

    We do have an 18+ age restriction. We have this restriction because we are interested in mature and respectful players.

    Please note - We will be running a UHC Event tomorrow, at 1PM EST. Applicants who apply before the event WILL be able to participate if accepted.

    "What will I find when joining the server?"

    This wave of recruitment is taking place two months into our server's "second season". We are currently enjoying a very successful second season, but we are looking for players that enjoy mid-game to late-game Minecraft content in a strong community setting. Many of our current players have already built bases, farms, player-run "corporations", shops, and much more.

    "What kind of players are Rendezvous looking for?"

    Rendezvous is looking for mature and respectful players that are interested in remaining active long term. We understand that real life can (sometimes) take priority over a game. We will never punish players for inactivity as long as they respond via Discord message and are interested in remaining whitelisted. We do encourage players to make it out for our events when they run.

    "What are examples of events?"

    Glad you asked! Our events run either at a specific time of the weekend or over an entire weekend. The frequency of each event running will depend on player engagement and feedback. Here are just a few examples:

    • "Surviving Minecraft" - This is our server's most popular event. It functions very similar to the reality show "Survivor" if you are familiar with that TV show. Registered players are split into two tribes and compete in challenges of memory, skill, and teamwork to earn immunity from elimination. After each challenge, one member of the losing tribe is eliminated. Great rewards await the sole survivor that wins the competition!
    • "World's Fair" - This event runs around once a month. Every player that logs in for the weekend of the World's Fair will be able to access a certain number of "diamond vouchers" for use only at our server's shops. This event encourages players to build shops at spawn for a share of the profits from this lucrative event!
    • "UHC Events" - UHC stands for Ultra Hardcore. As the name suggests, this event is for the most hardcore players. In this game mode, each player will start with an empty inventory and be forced to build up their gear and engage in PVP to be the last player standing, without the benefit of having health regeneration. Any damage that you take during the game is permanent.
    • "Holiday Events" - On weekends surrounding real-life holidays, we may run a holiday event to get players in the mood. These events can include light pranking, gift-giving, and more depending on the holiday.
    • "Quests" - These are user-created events that focus on riddles, exploration, and challenges to advance to the next clue. The clues for these quests are typically through books inside of chests, so they are available at all times with rewards awaiting those that complete them!
    • "Challenges" - Challenge events will vary from build challenges to redstone challenges to mini-game challenges. We will make sure to poll the community to see what kind of challenges have the most interest.
    • And more! - We are always looking forward to hearing any suggestions for events from new or returning players. Some suggestions that we have implemented in the past are Jackbox Party Packs and other non-Minecraft events.

    "How can I apply?"

    We have made our application process much easier compared to the past. The entire application and interview process takes place in our Discord server. Here is another link to join our server: https://discord.gg/geHKCm8

    A sincere THANK YOU for reading this far, and we hope to hear from you soon!

    submitted by /u/RendezvousServer
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    Minecrash [SMP] {Custom Plugin} {Towny} {ECO}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Discord: https://discord.gg/TjZEcqr
    Store: http://minecrash.buycraft.net/
    PLUGIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtxgmhlKz40

    What Is MINECRASH?

    MINECRASH is a TOWNY / ECONOMY server that JUST LUANCHED. We are built around a custom CRASH plugin (check Youtube link). The Crash Plugin Works similar to CSGOCrash where players can place bets on the crash bar and multiply their money! Players will rank up based on how much profit they can make in crash over time, awarding perks, crate keys and more rewards!

    The Server features many plugins to add to the CRASH experience by earning money through Jobs or from Shops players can create.

    Server features:

    • Land Claiming
    • 1.15.2 World
    • Towns
    • Jobs
    • 1.16 Nether (coming soon)
    • Economy
    • PvP for Prizes
    • Weekly Server Events
    • Player Shops
    • Crates
    • Weekly RANK Giveaways
    • Voting Rewards!
    • Claiming in End & Nether!
    • Friendly Community


    • Don't be obnoxious, toxic or harass other players.
    • No building close to others towns without consent.
    • Have Fun!

    Were A Dedicated and Friendly Team - We Hope You'll Consider Joining!

    Server IP: play.minecrash.net

    submitted by /u/MCMINECRASH
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    Solar Realms [SMP] {1.15.2} {Quests}{McMMO}{NEW}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Discord: https://discord.gg/KYUM3B

    Store: https://store.SolarRealms.net/

    IP: SolarRealms.net


    Welcome to Solar Realms, We are a new Survival multiplayer server with Land Protection, Quests, McMMO and much more! The server has only recently opened and we are looking to grow the server, it would be a pleasure to have you join.

    Server Features

    • Land Protection
    • Server Shop
    • Auction House
    • McMMO
    • Quests
    • Voting Rewards
    • Playtime Rewards (EARN FREE RANKS)
    • Crazy Enchanter
    • Jobs
    • Silk Touch Spawners


    1. No Griefing
    2. No Spamming
    3. No Advertising
    4. Be Respectful
    5. No Racist/Sexist Remarks
    submitted by /u/Le_w
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    The Badlands [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.15.2} {Whitelist} {Discord} {Datapacks} {Paper MC}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    This is a Vanilla Minecraft server, running a few Vanilla-Tweaks data packs and a few paper/spigot plugins (for performance)!

    The server is on the HermitCraft Season 7 seed.

    You can join the discord server to take the steps to be white-listed! https://discord.gg/q3E734V

    Requirements: Be age 16+


    Server has been up for a month and a half!

    Currently 15 active players!

    Seed : WLLBYUG

    Vanilla Tweaks:

    AFK Display : Name goes grey if the player doesn't move for five minutes

    Nether Portal Co-ordinates : Helps you calculate where to build in alternate dimensions

    Multiplayer Sleep : Lets one person sleep

    Shulkers : Drop two shells on death

    More Mob Heads : All mobs can drop their head on death


    Core Protect


    We also have a few simple rules, as follows:

    No harrassing

    No griefing

    Use common sense

    And last, but most certainly not least, have fun!

    submitted by /u/jvcobcvrter
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    Pesky Birds [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.15.2} {UK & Europe}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Pesky Birds

    We're a whitelisted community that hosts a semi-vanilla survival Minecraft Java Edition server (currently on 1.15.2) for our members to play on.

    Our community is aimed towards English-speaking members located within the UK and Europe.

    This is a server where you will be able to build large, long-term projects with other community members without fear of a world-reset. We will be upgrading to 1.16 as soon as it's stable, and at that time we will reset the nether dimension to be able to explore all the new nether biomes.

    We're about to into our second month on the server and are looking for new members. Our shopping district has come along well, we have a variety of shops established by our members selling all kinds of books, shulker-boxes, Elytras and a lot of resources!

    We've hosted a few in-game community events over Easter, including an Egg Hunt as well as a "Secret Bunnies" event where everyone secretly exchanged gifts, set up pranks, and even treasure hunts. Our community is creating more mini-games, improving our shopping district, working on a quad-witch farm and are looking to set up travel hubs, and more community builds in the near future!

    We're specifically looking for more builder-oriented players that would like to contribute to future community builds (spawn, travel hubs, etc), in a survival setting. As well as those that like to make their own pretty base builds, towns, etc.

    About our Server

    We pay for and self-manage our own dedicated hardware to ensure our server runs performantly and without lag for all of our members.

    • Dedicated Hardware:: 32GB RAM, i7-4770k CPU, 2x240GB SSDs
    • Bandwidth: 1 Gbit/s
    • Remote Backups: Automated backups on & off-site
    • Server Location: Germany (Great for players around Europe and the UK)

    Map: https://map.peskybirds.com/

    Data packs:

    We use a variety of lightweight data packs. If you watch Hermitcraft, you probably have seen most of these in action:

    AFK Display - Armour Statues - Coordinates HUD - Double Shulker Shells - Dragon Drops Elytra - More Mob Heads - Multiplayer Sleep - Nether Portal Coords - Player Head Drops - Silence Mobs - Track Raw Statistics - Track Statistics - Villager Workstation Highlights - Wandering Trades


    We have a few plugins to aid with grief prevention, moderation and permission management. However, we aim to keep the experience as close to vanilla as possible so that it doesn't feel immersion-breaking - and aren't going to introduce significant gameplay altering plugins.

    Rules and Applications

    We respect and trust each other in the community, and expect all our members to be kind to each other. We don't condone the use of significant exploits (duping) or hacking (fly, X-ray, auto-mine, etc).

    Use of Optifine/Fabric/Forge, Resource Packs, Shaders, and UI/UX improving mods for your client is allowed - unless it conflicts with the above rule.

    PvP is enabled on this SMP server, but its primary purpose is for mini-games or duels between players that all consent to it. We will not tolerate open-world player killing, stealing or looting from other players (unless they've previously consented in a mini-game / duel setting).

    Our full list of rules and application process is on our community Discord: https://discord.gg/uvH53dn

    Discord User: Aurayu#6567

    submitted by /u/Aurayu
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    The Medieval Kingdoms server [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Factions} {Roleplay-focus} {Whitelist} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Greetings! We want you to join our Medieval Kingdoms server!
    Do you like roleplaying?
    Do you want to be a King?
    Or a citizen living in a medieval fantasy kingdom?
    A Knight?
    A wanderer?
    An adventurer?
    A trader?
    A bandit?
    Anyone you want, in a living, breathing medieval style minecraft world, with Kingdoms and towns filled with real players roleplaying?

    Well get in here!

    Roleplay as anything you want, in our server we don't have many rules that are enforced by admins. Instead Kingdoms/factions in the world have laws, which are enforced by players in game, roleplaying as Knights, Guards etc. to keep the kingdom and players who are roleplaying as citizens, safe.

    The aim is to try to simulate a (almost)-vanilla, living, breathing world, in minecrafts own aesthetic, medieval/low fantasy. Kingdoms rise and fall, people create their own dynamic microsocieties together, make and enforce their own rules and laws, wage wars, create history and stories.

    Roleplaying is appreciated, but its not a rule! Your can do what you want!

    We have a few plugins, mainly for offline grief protection, and a local/global chat system. However, we aim to keep the experience as close to vanilla as possible so that it doesn't feel immersion-breaking - and aren't going to introduce significant gameplay altering plugins.

    add me in discord: aketius#5109 or comment your discord here if you are interested!

    submitted by /u/IcyPick5
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    Sqicraft [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {whitelist}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Hey buddies! If you want to play a hermicraft-like server that is yet to be started - DM Sqidrod#8509 on discord


    1. No griefing allowed (If you destroy something by accident/on purpose you must help to fix it to the original state.)
    2. No cheats allowed. This includes xray texture packs.
    3. In the shopping district, each shop must sell a certain list of things that all share the same category. However, if you want to build a huge shop, you can do it. You will have to purchase a lot of land, 1 land spot per 3 items in the shop.
    4. In the shopping district, a piece of land sized 10x10 costs 1 diamond block. It must be put on the diamond pile.
    5. No general PVP allowed, unless both of the players are agreed to PVP.
    submitted by /u/Shameyo1
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    Elondia [semi-vanilla] [smp] {1.15.2} {Hermitcraft} {whitelist}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Hey minecrafters,

    I am starting a server out of love for hermitcraft. This server will be for people who want to play in a server just like Hermitcraft, but you do not have to do youtube or streaming if you want to join, the only thing I ask you to do is tell me your age and send 2 pictures of 2 builds that you have done ( more is always nice ;) ).

    To apply you fill in this from: https://forms.gle/G9M1MTHM15oHV8KB7

    If you have any questions, then feel free to ask me on discord : Mindjito#9708


    • no griefing
    • no stealing
    • no random killing
    • try to be nice
    • every 1 has own base ( can be next to each other like a town)
    • main payment is diamonds
    • trolling allowed, don't cross the line or its a ban
    • build whatever you like, just make it so it's not offensive or sexual
    • maximum team/partnerships of 4
    • only english
    • only shops on in shopping district
    • no hacking or cheating


    • double shulker
    • enderdragon drops
    • coreprotect
    • gem villagers
    • armor statues
    • multiplayer sleep
    • no enderman griefing
    • afk display
    • more mob heads
    • wandering trade mini blocks

    P.S. if you do not like the name, then leave suggestions. I did not know anything else XD.

    submitted by /u/Mindjito
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    True Minecraft [SMP][PvE]{1.15.2}{No Whitelist}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Connect, there's no whitelist: play.trueminecraft.com

    Join us for an authentic semi-vanilla experience with a friendly mature community! Our survival is enhanced for multiplayer, featuring land claims, anti-resource-starvation, and unique post-based teleportation.

    Our features add to vanilla without changing the feel of the game. Here are several of our tweaks, features, and enhancements.

    • Premium high quality hosting, designed with Minecraft in mind
    • Unique post-based teleportation allows collaboration, while not reducing difficulty
    • Experienced, mature moderators and automated systems bore and ban trolls and griefers
    • Our claiming system is easy to use, foolproof, and available to all players immediately
    • New players spawn already in the wilderness with many resources, and near other players
    • The rotating spawn location always has resources available
    • Animals, trees, and plants are immediately available upon joining
    • Certain mobs drop scarce resources on SMP servers (ghosts drop 20 glowstone, ender dragons drop elytras)
    • Diamonds are spawned in (with extreme sparsity) eliminating depletion
    • Our trees fall down when they are chopped, not float in the sky and stay there
    • Optionally, the inventory and chests auto-sort themselves with like items
    • Donor benefits have zero pay-to-win, and encourage more gameplay
    • To learn more, join the server and see for yourself

    See /help upon join for more specific information about these tweaks!

    This server is run by very experienced and mature staff (and many have been here for years). It's been online for around five years. We're not going anywhere, come settle in!

    Our world is large, and has open building space everywhere. The community is friendly and diverse. Players are mature and respectful.

    Hop on today and mine with us! :)


    True Minecraft Rules

    • We encourage you to express yourself with respect and courtesy for others. We do not tolerate provocative, disrespectful, edgy, demanding, etc., behavior - especially if unprovoked. No incivility or rudeness.
    • Productive conflict resolution is crucial. If faced with a dilemma, listen to one another, and attempt a resolution. (If needed, contact staff.) No needless fighting.
    • Try to condense the content of messages if it would flood the chatroom or create too much visual noise. No spamming.
    • We are a family friendly community. This means, especially when kids are present, keeping your conduct appropriate for them. No adult content.
    • Ensure you are not advertising any other Minecraft server, or anything that in any way competes with us. No advertising.
    • English is the only language allowed in our public chat channels (in private chat any language is allowed). English only.
    • Do not attempt to destroy or take things created by others - unless you believe it is abandoned, unwanted, or not intended to be kept. (Claims help prevent griefing) No intentional griefing or stealing.
    • Only run minor cosmetics tweaks or performance mods, such as OptiFine, or shaders. Do not use any mods to gain an unfair advantage, such as hacked clients. No hacking or cheating.
    • Only play the server as intended; this means not abusing exploits, bugs, glitches, or any related unintended gameplay. No exploit and bug abuse. (Please report these.)
    • Create only family-friendly builds; steer clear of anything anything explicit, controversial, or offensive (unless an exception is made). No explicit builds.
    • Note: Attempting to sneak around the rules suggests a violation of the rules; we consider one's intent when enforcing the rules.
    • Disclaimer: We are not responsible for online interactions. We reserve the right to ban anyone we see as not suitable for our community.
    • Notice: Violations of these rules are taken seriously. If you find someone in violation of these rules, we appreciate reports of this. If necessary, do this privately. Thank you for helping to keep our community a safe place for everyone.
    submitted by /u/True_Minecraft
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    Atamos [PVP] [PVE] {1.12.2} {1.14}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Our server is a arena where you fight players and mobs constantly. It's similar to the pit, bit the terrain is destructible and regenerates.

    There are tons of upgrades you can choose from as you gain XP and you can level up your items as well.

    The rules are: 1. Do not hack, please. 2. Don't be rude. 3. Do not try to crash the server, if you find a way that is.

    If you feel like joining, feel free to jump on at :

    The server is 1.12.2 to 1.14, so anyone can join as long as they are within those versions.

    submitted by /u/BeneficialInspector0
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    SODAPVP [PvE] {OP Prison} {1.8 - 1.15}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:34 PM PDT


    😊 play.sodapvp.net 😊

    ✨ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ✨

    👀 In need of an OP Prison server? Look no further than SODAPVP! We are a community who loves to grind, interact and play together. We love our community of players and seek to give them the best Prison experience out there. We take all suggestions and consider them and love to host events and see the server grow. We have many features on our server so you guys can play & not get bored! 👀

    ✨ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ✨

    👀 We here on SODAPVP are a server which cares a lot about its community. Whether its making our donor ranks affordable or making it a fun experience for those who don't spend a single penny on the server. We appreciate the whole community and just playing the server helps us out and means a lot to the staff and community. The staff know all of the players very well and the dedicated staff love too take your suggestions and help build on the server too make it better. 👀

    👀 When you join the server you can instantly get right into the fun of SODAPVP. The community is very helpful and if you encounter any problem or maybe need some support to help rankup, the community will help support you so you can have the best of fun on SODAPVP. Here are some of our server features listed below! 👀

    ✨ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ✨
    - Autosell
    - Crates
    - Daily Rewards
    - Duels
    - Gambling
    - Gangs
    - Bombs
    - Mobcoins
    - Plots
    - Quests
    - Tokens
    - & Much much more
    ✨ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ✨

    🏹 Rules: https://bit.ly/2KqM0go

    🏹 Discord: https://discord.gg/G9YNWQ3 🏹

    🏹 Server IP: play.sodapvp.net 🏹

    ✨ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ✨

    submitted by /u/xitsAuzza
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    KrubKraft [Vanilla] {SMP} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    KrubCraft SMP Server (Java) Looking for Members!KrubCraft is a collection of friends and Minecraft enthusiasts who love both the technical, and creative sides of MC. We are currently looking for fun and exiting players to add to the white-list. Please see the application link below if you are interested. Please feel free to share the link with your friends.


    submitted by /u/Lyingranger1332
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    • Bedrock Only *

    Calling all experienced Minecraft players!

    Looking for a cheat free, survival realm, with a discord? Join us!

    In past seasons, we've made raid farms, guardians farms, gunpowder farms, shopping centers, etc. This season we've done the same, but are looking to expand the scope and scale of our current and future projects. Talented builders and redstone engineers are needed, but anyone is welcome.

    We do NOT tolerate duping, griefing, or toxicity (More info about our rules here -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E-E49anVXCCdjOE8ptQ3wnXOF_m6bm6tu84PStqouoU/edit?usp=sharing)

    DM me if your gamer tag and a little bit about yourself if you're interested

    submitted by /u/DJPancake28
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    HypeCraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Hypecraft is a semi vanilla server with some simple rules, the world is not infinite as it is planned to expand as new updates comes out, but it's more than enough for everyting you need to build

    Some basic rules

    1. No griefing (modifying other players buildings without their permission) or stealing
    4. Be kind!
    5. No spam!
    6. If you are AFK farming, do not expect to get kicked, but if the server is lagging then we may kick you (we are sorry, we just don't want another miserable crash!)

    Build whatever you want and open up some shops in the shoping distric to compete with the other players

    Here are some pics on the server


    Join our discord here https://discord.gg/2BXaCw

    ip: play:hypecraft.club

    We are not that many atm and we hope to see you soon

    Welcome :D

    submitted by /u/Articz420
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    Tribe - Minecraft Server [Anarchy] [Chaos] {1.15.2} {18+}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Looking for a Anarchy experience? Look no further join the Tribe Anarchy Server today. Tribe is an anarchy Minecraft server, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. We are on Minecraft version 1.15.2.

    Server Rules:

    1. No rules are implemented in this server total anarchy allowed
    2. Griefing and hacks are allowed as long as you don't affect the physical integrity of the server

    IP: mc.tribe.gs

    Website: https://tribe.gs

    Discord: https://discord.gg/BFPu7Qn

    submitted by /u/pynyte
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    A Scoop of Vanilla [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.15.2}{Paper}

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    IP: asov.info

    Subreddit: /r/asov

    Server Location: East Coast

    Current Map Start Date: 07/13/2019

    To apply to join: Application

    Who are we?

    A Scoop of Vanilla is a friendly Minecraft orientated gaming community and has been in operation for over 8 years. We just started our 9th map on July 13th 2019. This is a long-term map with no reset planned for at least a year. Here is a community made photo album of their first week on the last map! While Minecraft is our main love, many in the community also play many other games together such as Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends and PUBG. We are a very welcoming, friendly, and inclusive community from all over the world looking to grow and meet new friends.

    What makes us different

    Our community is the defining feature of the server. A Scoop of Vanilla has a server culture of being extremely friendly and social. It is not uncommon for members to end up exchanging contact information or adding each other on social media and becoming friends beyond the scope of the game. As far as server operation goes our admin team has taken it upon themselves to host the server at personal cost, not asking for or accepting any donations. Thus, avoiding all donation scheme shenanigans. Lastly, we run events and stories called Adventure Quests that weave elaborate tales for our players to uncover for exciting rewards!

    Server Features

    • 99.99% Vanilla Gameplay Experience

    • Established Positive Community

    • Fun and Fair Staff

    • Server events and games

    • Ultra Hard Core Events

    • World Border of +/- 8k

    • Grief Protection

    • Dedicated Server

    • Steam Group

    • Very Active Discord Group

    Server Rules

    • No griefing or stealing

    • Be nice. No harassment of any kind.

    • PVP is NOT allowed. Unless both parties agree to it.

    • You break it, you fix it.

    • No Spam

    • Full list of rules can be found here as well as on our subreddit /r/asov

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who enjoy building and playing the game. We welcome all players new and experienced. We welcome all ages but expect a high level of maturity from all players regardless of age. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards theft, griefing and drama making. To apply simply click here and fill out a quick application. We look at all applications within 24 hours and will respond in a fast and timely manner.


    Jarl_Big_Johnson, Fh2Hi, Kazra, fo11ow3r, and synthmarie


    Worldguard, CoreProtect, Worldedit, DiscordSRV

    These plugins are only used for rollback purposes in very rare events of griefing. There are no "land claims" or "locked chests" or "teleports" or other any other non-vanilla interactions.

    Thanks for reading and if you feel that A Scoop of Vanilla is a good match for what you seek in a server I invite you to apply today!

    submitted by /u/ASOV_Server
    [link] [comments]


