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    Minecraft Slimes can spawn in peaceful but only in their smallest form

    Minecraft Slimes can spawn in peaceful but only in their smallest form

    Slimes can spawn in peaceful but only in their smallest form

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    (Again I don't know which one would fit for the flair so Mobs it is) Sense slimes can't hurt you in their smallest form it would makes sense for them to spawn on peaceful in their small form

    submitted by /u/Alakazoma
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    A carpet added to a bed will give it a unique design

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    A carpet added to a bed will result in a unique design on the bed cover. This depends on both the colour on the carpet as well as the bed. This means there are many different possible designs for your bed, after all it's a integral part of the game, and should be customizable.

    submitted by /u/Nolan_101
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    Named Shulker Boxes should display their names when placed

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    When you hover over a shulker box that has beed named in an anvil, its name should display in a similar manner to nametagged mobs. This could be a simple way to make organizing your items when you run out of colors.

    submitted by /u/TheArcanist_
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    Holding an empty bottle while collecting XP turns it into Bottle O Enchanting

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Probably been suggested before but this would be a really neat addition. Bottles O Enchanting are fairly useless now, but transportable xp would be really handy for fixing Mending gear, epecially Elytras during long trips. The idea is to have the xp fill up empty bottle in hand instead of going to player's bar whenever the player is collecting xp (same way Mending functions).

    submitted by /u/tomaspeverell
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    New Villager Profession: Mechanic

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    I came up with the idea for a Mechanic who sells/buys redstone stuff. It might seem a little too overpowered, but most other professions buy/sell other farmable items. Also, treat them like regular villagers; they'll have two trades randomly chosen for each trading level.


    Novice: Sells: redstone dust (same price as cleric), redstone torches, levers Buys: redstone block,

    Apprentice: Sells: Detector Rails, Powered Rails, Activator Rails Buys: Rails,

    Journeyman: Sells: Slime Block, Honey Block, piston, sticky piston Buys: slimeball, honey bottle

    Expert: Sells: Repeaters, Comparators, Droppers, Dispensers, Redstone Lamps

    Master: Sells: Hoppers, Observors, Daylight Sensors

    I did not set the prices as that would take too much effort and people will argue about that instead of the item that are being bought/sold.

    submitted by /u/KMMineCube
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    Going through an End exit portal should reset your insomnia stat

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    When you go through an End exit portal you get sent back to your spawn point. The only other time you get sent to your spawn point is when you die, which resets your insomnia stat. Furthermore, The End poem tells you to wake up from the dream. Whether that dream is The End dimension or the game itself leaving The End symbolizes waking up from it so if you're waking up when you leave The End you should be refreshed and no longer be carrying the exhaustion from while you were there.

    submitted by /u/Laffshire
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    Make Undead Mobs More Consistent

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Make Undead Mobs More Consistent

    What do I mean? Well, we have regular skeletons, regular zombies, wither skeletons, no corresponding nether zombie (zombie piglins don't count), we have husks, but no corresponding desert skeleton, we have strays, but no corresponding ice zombie, and we have drowned, but no oceanic skeleton. I'll give some ideas to make these extra mobs special:

    1. Nether Zombie (Burnt):

    Would look something like this (I designed it myself, Mojang could do better):

    A fire-resistant zombie that has more health and does more damage. Has a chance to light player on fire.

    1. Desert Skeleton (Pharaoh):

    Like a wither skeleton, it's fast and uses a melee weapon. They have a 50% chance of giving the player 10 seconds of poison 2 when they hit the player. They have the regular 20 health points, and are the same height as the player, making them arguably more deadly. They also have a cape, which looks cool.

    1. Ice Zombie (Frozen):

    25 HP, does regular damage and gives 5 seconds of slowness when it hits you. It can also walk regularly on ice.

    1. Oceanic Skeleton (Fisherman):

    Covered in seaweed, this skeleton uses its fishing rod to drag you toward it and hit you! Deals 2 damage on top of the stone sword, and has 20 HP. You can get it by drowning a skeleton, but then it drops its bow.

    submitted by /u/LawlTHOR
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    Enchantments for the Shield

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    We can all agree that shields need work, especially with their increasing use in the combat tests. This is why I propose som enchantments for it

    BASHING (I, II, and III)

    When a shield is enchanted with Bashing, a player would have the ability to charge forward with great force. If a player attacks with a sword while using a Bashing shield, the player will charge forward 2-4 blocks depending on the level of enchantment. Any mobs hit will take extra damage. Levels 2 and 3 will also work like Knockback 1 and 2 respectively.

    AURA (I, II, III, and IV)

    This enchantment will act as a support type enchantment. It is mutually exclusive with Bashing. While a player blocks with an Aura shield, the closest 1-4 (depends on level) tamed mobs, golems, or villagers will be shielded as well. A transparent blue shield will appear in front of them as an indicator.

    STUNNING (I and II)

    This enchantment would stun any non-boss mobs or players that attack the shield for a short time. The time is extended for level 2. It is compatible with both previous enchants.

    Let me know in the comments what you think!

    submitted by /u/TerraGamer9384
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    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Tomes would be variants of books that generate exclusively in structures. Each Tome would appear as an enchanted book with a golden cover and a beige strap. They would be one use projectiles which are thrown like splash potions, but the projectile created isn't the book, but a cluster of star particles, with different colors based on the Tome. They would have different effects when thrown, and each structure would have a Tome with a related effect.

    Ocean Monument: Tome of Freezing

    This Tome would be found in Ocean Monuments. It would be thrown and convert any water in a 5x5x5 cube with the Tome in the center to Ice, Ice to Packed Ice, and Packed Ice to Blue Ice. The particles would be blue. For this, Ocean monuments would need chests, so I propose 3-5 in each Monument, with one of them having a guaranteed Tome of Freezing.

    Side note on Monument chests. They should have the same loot tables as buried treasure.

    Jungle Temple: Tome of Growth.

    This Tome when thrown would create a cluster of green particles floating in the air for about 3 minutes. Any crops within its 3 block cube will have growth speed tripled for the duration of the Tome. It would have a 20% chance to spawn in Jungle Temple chests.

    Woodland Mansion: Tome of Allegiance

    When thrown, this Tome will convert all mobs in a 7x7 area into the player's minions. These minion mobs will have greatly reduced health, follow the player, and attack all mobs that harm the player. The particles are golden. These have a 7% chance of spawning in a Woodland Mansion chest.

    Piglin Bastion: Tome of Attraction

    When thrown, the Tome creates a 5x5 aura that Piglins, including Brutes, are attracted to for 4 minutes. They will not notice any player actions for the duration of the Tome. This Tome has black particles. It is as rare as a Pigstep disc in Bastion chests.

    Desert Temple: Tome of Camouflage

    This Tome creates a 3x3 brown aura on the ground when thrown. Anything standing inside of it gains the appearance of the block most common in the aura. If no block is more common than the rest, the center one is picked. This aura lasts for 2 minutes. Hostile mobs will not notice mobs inside of the aura unless they themselves step in. This has the same rarity of an Enchanted Golden Apple in Desert Temples.

    Nether Fortress: Tome of Sparking

    An orange 5x5 area lasting 1 minute is created on impact of this Tome. Anything that steps inside will be set on fire, but also inflicted with a new status effect, Sparking. This effect basically gives you fire aspect on contact with any mob. When you bump into a mob, it gets lit on fire. Combined with Fire Resistance, this can be deadly in combat. This has a 2% chance of spawning in any Fortress chest.

    End City: Tome of Retrieval

    This is likely the strongest one, which is why I reserved it for post-game content. It forms a small purple bubble around the contact area for 1 minute. All items in the chunk that the bubble is in will move toward the bubble at the pace of water flowing. When an item reaches the Tome, it is collected and sent into the nearest player's inventory. If no inventory space is available nearby, the item is stored in the bubble until the Tome ends, in which it will spill into the block that the bubble was in. It has a 12% chance of spawning in one of the loot chests in an End Ship.

    Let me know what you think could be improved.

    submitted by /u/TerraGamer9384
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    The Title Screen Music Should Continue to Play while Creating a World

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    It just feels wrong for the music to suddenly stop playing as soon as you create a world. It would make the game more polished if it were to at least fade out.

    submitted by /u/ZapSavage
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    Trident buff

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Tridents are currently very weak in combat, not just in PVP, but also in PVE. The only use for tridents are basically getting heads and that's it. Buff ideas: •Impaling can now pierce enemies •Trident deals more base damage •Trident can disable shields like an axe •Tridents have an extra block/half block of reach compared to swords

    submitted by /u/Master00J
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    The ability to unzombify a zombified piglin

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    You can unzombify a zombified piglin with a golden apple and weakness potion and the zombified piglin will become a piglin. The piglin will not be able to turn back to a zombified piglin and will become immune. Same thing with a hoglin, but exept, with a hoglin, if you save them they will become neutral and if breeded their children will be immune and neutral towards you, also for a hoglin, you need a weakness II potion not a weakness I since its a bigger animal. The piglin should also give you better barters when you heal them and they shouldent get aggresive when you take of your armor. This will add a way to get better piglin barters and a way to get hoglins and piglins in the overworld.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    New Winter Difficulty

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    So people are asking for expert to male people harder, I would say no, Winter is the answer, remember the alpha days? Yes that hard.

    So about the difficulty: Passive Mobs are spawning less frequent Hostile Mobs spawn in bigger gangs The light level is decreased so days will be darker The days would be shorter and nights longer 1 out of the 10 hostile mobs are stronger Crops that are outside will just die out Small water sources will freeze not oceans and big lakes Snow has the ability to fall in every biome, it will melt all but it will be able to spawn

    On a sight note: Maybe silver could be added to keep away undead mobs think about making a post about it but not sure yet?

    There are more ideas that can be introduced but Overall it would make the game way harder and is totally optional, This is my alternative to seasons,

    For a long time we as the community have been asking for seasons but mojang said that they would probably not happen, so this is one of my season alternative ideas, ill will post the other ones in the next week.

    Autumn has already been posted as an biome

    submitted by /u/xNielsSwitch
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    Mobs should be able to spawn in peaceful mode

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    As the title says my suggestion is all the hostile mobs should be able to spawn in peaceful mode but they will just act like normal passive mobs so that players that play on peaceful can get mob loot easily and as you know that beating the game is pretty much impossible because no blazes nor endermen spawns so no beating the game for you Any other suggestions to improve this idea? Comment below (Forgive me for any grammer mistake English is not my first language)

    submitted by /u/ghoshRonit
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    Nether Fortress Overhaul

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    The nether fortress design has been nearly, if not identical since their introduction in beta 1.9. It would be amazing if they added more rooms, changed the design to use chiseled nether bricks, and overall improved the layout. Obviously it goes without saying the rarity also is in need of improvement, but so is the actual design.

    submitted by /u/Ned4sped
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    Player nametag visibility gamerule

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    A gamerule or server setting you can use to make player names: 1. Visible (like now) 2. Invisible (just no name tag) 3. On direct look (like name tags for certain mobs, only when you look at them and are in range) 4. Not trough walls (only if you can see the player itself)

    This would especially work well for pvp or just for a little bit immersion in Survival.

    submitted by /u/Gjorgdy
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    Make an axe the tool for coral blocks

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    1) it would give silk axes usability

    2) coral is not a stone

    3) cutting it with pickaxe is not very healthy for fragile coral

    submitted by /u/Embebeber
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    The End City Dimension should have less Gravity

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    This would add more lore too the game, since in lore, the end is just in the sky, but having lower gravity in the end would nerf the dragon; so when the dragon is alive, the gravity nerf wouldent work. Perhaps the shulkers could have 2hp more damage because they would be slightly nerfed. The gravitational nerf would be about 33% less falling speed for all entities.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    River Update

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Rivers haven't been much for a very long time so I thought they could get an update.

    The update would be how river would flow and there would be waterfalls.

    If you want to cross a river by swimming, it's going to push you to the side where its flowing. Same with boats but it will push you slower.

    Waterfalls would be kind of dangerous like if you fall, your boat will break and you'll take some damage.

    Anyway that's my idea

    submitted by /u/Abronbas
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    Undead Mode/Curse

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    So I had an idea. What if MC had an "undead" player status effect/curse that made you undead, complete with a zombified look to over the skin. This addition would include making the player friendly/neutral to undead mobs (unless attacked) and hostile/neutral to the usual friendly mobs (including dogs and villagers/ iron golems). This would also mean you're more vulnerable to enchants like smite and potions of healing. Whats also cool is that it could tie into the story/lore of the game by also implying you can lose your soul like when evokers steal souls for totems of undying and now its your quest to turn yourself back into your original self, using the same technique to change villagers back; potion of weakness and golden apple at any point you want. You could also burn in sunlight but never suffer the effects of hunger, scare away the piglins and ally with the wither skeletons. I think this addition would diversify the game mechanics for the player and create a more role playing theme especially for the large multiplayer communities. As for acquiring this status effect, maybe if you meet certain criteria like dieing while standing on soul sand or perhaps by being killed by a vendicator/evoker. I think there can be mutiple cool ways this could be implemented.

    submitted by /u/McWrathster
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    New Advancement: Air Assault

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Air Assault: Kill a hostile mob while gliding with elytra.

    submitted by /u/deeptime
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    Movement speeds for armor

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Hey all, first post on this sub.

    I've seen a lot of people talking about how the current combat system is a little boring because the gear is tiered, and I agree. Netherite is always best, then diamond, then iron, etc, rather than each type of gear having different tradeoffs and use cases (except for gold armor, which does have a purpose).

    Here's my proposal for how to spice it up: Give each type of armor a different movement speed. Something like:

    • No armor: 100% - Current movement speed
    • Leather: 95% - Low defense but fastest for traveling
    • Chainmail: 90% - Better defense than leather but a bit slower
    • Gold: 85% - Already has its use, so equal speed as iron
    • Iron: 85% - Same as having Slowness I effect
    • Diamond: 85% - Same as iron, I think a direct upgrade here would be fine
    • Netherite: 80% - Slower than diamond as a tradeoff for Netherite's buffs
    • Elytra: 100%
    • Turtle shell: 85%

    The numbers would be averaged between your four pieces of gear, and the movement speed would apply to running and swimming, but not riding mounts or flying. I've seen armor movement speed mechanics like this in other games, so I think it would transfer well to Minecraft (with proper tweaks as needed). Players would be encouraged to make multiple sets of armor to use in different situations. A leather/chainmail set for traveling, a diamond/netherite set for the best defense, etc.

    If Mojang wants to add more materials or smithing table upgrades in the future, this would also leave some room for new armor archetypes, like:

    • Armor faster than diamond but slightly weaker
    • Slow armor with okay defense but extremely high durability
    • Fast and strong armor with mediocre durability

    A similar thing could be done for the swords by giving different attack speeds to each material (like how axes work) but I'll leave the focus of this post on the armor.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/sup0042
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    Potion of Exposure

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Potion (drinkable, splash and lingering potion) of Exposure.

    Would make the player affected by it recieve more damage from all sources.

    The effect will not last for long, as it would be really OP for PvP. Would last for around 5-10 seconds.

    I dont quite know from what it would be made from, maybe one of the new nether vines, or the mushrooms in the nether.

    Any feedback would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/pol_lesa
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    Change to despawning named items

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    When a NAMED item (through anvil) is destroyed. (Fell into the void, into lava or cactus) the game will display [name] caught on fire like it does with pets

    submitted by /u/Master00J
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