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    Minecraft If tnt explodes near a warden the sound should stun him

    Minecraft If tnt explodes near a warden the sound should stun him

    If tnt explodes near a warden the sound should stun him

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    This applies to all sound if theres too much of it, it would make a great escape mechanic

    submitted by /u/Nicnolsen
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    Lighting rods should store lighting for channeling tridents.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Channeling tridents are really cool, but thunderstorms don't occur that often. My idea is that when lighting strikes the lighting rod it "stores" it so you can use your trident's channeling once or twice in clear weather.

    submitted by /u/exodusknight_
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    Cursed Totem of Dying

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    A rare item that you could get as an 8% drop chance or so instead of a Totem of Undying from killing an Evoker. You could Right-Click with it to trigger its effects. It will "kill" you, making you drop all of your items, experience, and teleport you back to your spawn point. However, what happens is that the "You Died!" Screen won't appear.

    This means that you can sacrifice a whole lot to teleport back to your base. What this is really meant for though, is Hardcore Mode. It will cause the effect of respawning, so your Health and Hunger will be full, meaning that if you're starving or are in a large crowd of mobs, you can preserve your save file as a huge sacrifice.

    Edit: Some people have suggested you keeping XP when you "die" which would give it a purpose outside of Hardcore Mode. This seems like a fair thing to keep instead of random items from your inventory. This plus an Enderchest would let the player keep all of their stuff, which would be a cool way to counteract this.

    Also, many people have also said that having an 8% chance to get something you don't want isn't a very good idea, which I agree with. Some people have recommended the Illusioner, which would work if it was implemented.

    A much better idea is having a new mob called the Pheonix who live at the top of mountains. They'd be neutral to the player, but will protect themselves when attacked. When they die, they have a 33% chance to drop a Totem of the Pheonix, which is just a really cool name. They respawn after 10 ingame days, but will not count the time spent raining.

    submitted by /u/perfection_uwu
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    Do you guys think we should change the powered rail crafting recipe from gold to 1.17 copper? it makes a lot of sense.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Change the powered rail crafting recipe from gold to 1.17 copper? it makes a lot of sense, copper is conductive and more cheap, it would also add more uses for copper.

    submitted by /u/Tcraftboi
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    Goat Boots: An early game way to get some mobility

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Hi! Ever since goats were announced, I've been worried that they'd turn out like foxes: a cool addition, yes, but ultimately with no real use or impact on the game. So, I got to thinking, and I decided to introduce a fun new use for goats. Introducing: Goat Boots!

    What are Goat Boots?Goat Boots are a set of boots that are relatively cheap to make. Their main purpose is to give players an extra boost of speed before they can get potions.

    How can you craft Goat Boots?Goat Boots are simply crafted with leather boots, string, and goat hooves. A picture of the recipe is displayed here

    What are goat hooves?Goat hooves are a new item that can be gained by, you guessed it, killing goats. I would say they would be very slightly rare, but not too rare, so maybe 10 or 15%? I know that isn't very rare at all, but I want to make sure that getting the goat hooves wont be too grind-y. By themselves, they're pretty useless, but they're the main thing needed to craft Goat Boots!

    What do Goat Boots do?Upon crafting the Goat Boots and putting them on, you get a small speed boost. The level of it, I'm thinking is either the same as Swiftness I or less. The catch is, with every 10 or so steps (Could be more, could be less), the Goat Boots lose one durability. This adds a bit of a high-maintenance nature to the Goat Boots, which I think would be a good trade off for the easy-to-get boost of speed.

    Another thing the Goat Boots could do is prevent you from falling into powdered snow! Since goats spend all day trotting around the snowy mountaintops, I think it'd make sense to make sure you don't fall into the snow while wearing them.

    Why do you think Goat Boots should be added?Like I stated previously, I don't want the goats to wind up as another useless mob. I feel like it would be a waste of potential for such an interesting seeming mob being a novelty and nothing more. Another reason is that, I'm a fan of the one-off armor types like the turtle shell and the elytra. They don't fit in with a set, and I feel that adds more variety to the armor that players wear, changing up the gameplay and adding a fresh feel.

    Misc.To repair them, I was thinking either string or leather, though I'm not sure. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments below.

    EDIT: Feedback link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360073844151-Goat-Boots-An-early-game-way-to-get-some-mobility

    submitted by /u/StyrofoamNickel
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    A Gamerule to Control the Day Speed

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    As the title says, a simple /gamerule command to change the speed of the day.

    Perhaps it could be /gamerule daylightcyclespeed [number is minutes]

    The default would be 20 minutes, as in a full cycle from the beginning of the day through the night to the next day.

    submitted by /u/Bryzerse
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    Deep/Dark Ocean.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    This would be a part of the ocean where it's extremely dark. The glow squid would spawn there, along with other mobs that could be added as well, such as the angler fish.

    submitted by /u/Wizardboi03
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    Add "[Blank] should stun the warden" to the FPS list.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Nearly every other post I see now is "Make (thing) stun the warden!" First of all, it's posted extremely frequently, making it a perfect candidate to the Frequently Posted Suggestions list. Secondly, the Warden is supposed to be a difficult mob to defeat. And you can already just lure them away with snowballs, so nerfing them won't make them an extremely difficult mob, it'll just make them a minor inconvenience, since if you can stun them, you can just do that and walk right past them.

    submitted by /u/KingPhillipTheGreat
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    If you fall from a great height, glass under you should break

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Just like the title suggests, I think it would be interesting if, when falling onto glass from perhaps 20~ or more blocks up, you break through. To break through multiple layers of glass the player would need to fall from an even higher point.

    submitted by /u/VolcanicDilemmaMC
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    Cushion Block

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Cushion Block

    We should be able to craft wool (carpet) and straw into cushion blocks. The cushion block would have several functions, but the main one is to provide a place to sit. This is something that people have wanted for a long time but in a form that is in keeping with Minecraft's design philosophy (unlike many similar suggestions).

    Cushion crafting recipe


    The crafting recipe pictured above (five carpet of the same color surrounding one hay bale) would yield a block that is essentially a slab: textured similarly to wool and carpet though with the recognizable button pattern, it would be 7/16 thick, slightly slimmer than other slab blocks.

    This block would have three functions:

    • It would provide half of the fall damage reduction of a hay bale.
    • It would slow walking speed (similar to soul sand) and muffle walking sound.
    • When it has at least one empty block above and one to the side, a player can right click on a cushion block to sit on it.

    This last function would allow the construction of working chairs, benches, couches, and etc. But the block itself is none of these--it is a multi-purpose building material and could just as easily be used in other sorts of construction.


    Obviously the selling point here is sitting. Aside from just adding to the immersion, sitting has two benefits: passing time, and anchoring the player.

    As I envision it, sitting would put the player in a sitting position and bring up a small dialogue in the corner of the screen with just one option: doze. If a player hits the doze button durring the day they enter a state like sleep that brings them to sundown. This would not set their spawn point.

    On the other hand, clicking to close the dialogue (or clicking anywhere else on the screen) would keep one in a waking seated position. While seated, a player could open and close their inventory; use chat; interact with workstations, buttons, etc. within reach; and use a telescope, but not turn their body (making for a restricted range of vision).

    The game would, in a sense, treat the seated player and the seat as a single object, anchoring the player. This would have uses in machines that move the player such as certain gliders. It would also mean that knock-back or water current which would shift a standing player would not move a seated one.

    This block would be a great addition in general. It would make the game more immersive, add functionality players have been requesting for years, and be a great new building material with both decorative and practical uses (posh upholstery in your palace, ersatz wool slab, captain's seat on your glider, pretty elytra landing pad, lining for stealthy secret passages...). And it would do all this without the drawbacks of many similar suggestions.

    Apendix: Potential Objections

    Objection: Anything that allows the player to sleep without setting spawn point is already rejected.

    Reply: Yes, but this doesn't allow sleeping. Dozing is only possible during the day. It would sometimes be handy to skip part of a day just as nights are skip-able. But it lacks the utility of warding off phantoms or getting you safe through the night, it's really not the same thing at all.

    Objection: MC team have made it very clear they frown on adding more furniture.

    Reply: Yes, and rightly so. Their philosophy is that they want us to build our own stuff, so they won't add prefab items unless there is a special reason to do so. But cushion is not furniture or a decoration, any more than carpet and trapdoors are. It opens up new possibilities, but by itself it isn't anything. You have to use your creativity to build something out of it.

    submitted by /u/sitontheedge
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    Creeper Hives (a new structure)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    So, all this talk about the new cave biomes got me thinking about our old friend the creeper. He's the iconic Minecraft mob, but aside from having a gut full of explosives and a bad temper, what do we really know about the guy? And what sort of animal blows itself up to destroy you anyhow? What sort of behavior is that for a living thing?

    Well, in nature we see behavior like this from hive insects: individuals will sacrifice themselves for the defense of the hive. Might our mottled green friends really be the drones of some unseen hive? The idea is fittingly creepy, and a creeper hive as a rare dungeon would fit great into the newly refurbished caves. Here's a sketch...

    Creeper Hive

    Creeper hives would connect to existing cave networks. They would only be found rarely and in the deeper parts of the map. They would be free from water and lava, and in many places instead of stone the walls would be covered with "creeperite", a pale greenish material that emits a faint glow and has an unusually high blast resistance. (Thus ordinary creeper detonations would not destroy the hive itself.)

    Within the hive only creepers would spawn. That would include the iconic creeper (the hive's defense drone), as well as his larger relative "the heaper" (its worker drone). These latter would not explode, but would still be nasty customers with more HP and the ability to slow you down with gobs of creeperite so his mates can blow you too smithereens. (The heaper, as the name implies, is the one who builds the tunnels of the hive. And farming heapers would be the only renewable way to harvest creeperite.)

    One might dare the dangers of the hive just to see its eerie interior, but one might also be lured in by the promise of treasure hidden in the creeperite combs or the challenge of fighting the creeper queen herself! The queen would be a mini-boss spawned into the hive at world generation. She would occupy a central cavern, and have the ability to call up her lesser minions in droves to fight you. But you'll be taking the risk alone: even a tame cat will not follow you into a creeper hive!

    submitted by /u/sitontheedge
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    Cartographers should sell maps to witch huts, desert and jungle temples and igloos

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Since Minecraft's generation is random some players may find themselves playing in worlds where they have to travel several thousands of blocks to by chance happen upon what they are looking for. Most resort to seed veiwers to tell them where these structures are located and with good reason, the area they have to legitimately search grows exponentially with how far a structure happens to generate.

    I think cartographers should sell you explorer maps to witch huts, desert and jungle temples and igloos. This would also help players to find biomes they are looking for, like deserts for sand, jungle for cocoa beans and parrots and tundras for ice and snow.

    Now the only part that has no ingame help to find is villages and for that I think ThatFlippyNet's idea of patrols having a rare drop of a map to a village is an excelent way to solve this. Along with perhaps the wandering trader selling them since he must be trading with the villagers along with the player.

    Dungeons, mineshafts, ocean ruins and shipwrecks don't need explorer maps since they are very abundant and ocean monument maps already lead you to oceans for the ruins and shipwrecks.

    submitted by /u/Dman20111
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    GLOBE ["pin your next destination!"]

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    GLOBE ["pin your next destination!"]


    is a utility block that has it's own container and features. It's used for navigating through multiple maps and it has a pin feature that pins a block on the map by its coordinates.


    Isometric View

    Side View


    It's crafted with 3 Copper ingots, 3 Copper blocks and 1 Lodestone.


    [oppened] Pinned Locations Search Container | Globe Container

    Once you open the Globe you have the chance to apply 4 maps which can be scrolled across, but to apply them you need to apply а bottle of honey or а honeycomb in the intended box so the maps can stick. Once the maps are applied there's a pin button that allows the player to pin down a specific location on the map. This 'pinned' location can be given a 'name' in the input section, once that is done the location is saved in the left 'pinned locations' box which is opened with the 'search' button. From there you can search through your 'pinned locations' and select one. The player is being guided with an indicator which can be found above his level indicator.

    Indicator for pinned location

    Depiction of how a pinned location and it's indicator look


    • The maps need to be the same size/zoom, or else it won't let you insert further. It's based on the first map's size.
    • The Globe doesn't save it's data. Breaking it would drop the Globe itself and the maps and all pins will be lost.
    • A Pin costs the player 1 EXP.
    • It connects the maps, allowing free left or right scrolling like spinning a globe!
    • Acts like a lodestone so a compass can lead to it, but it's only 1 dimensional, for the overworld.

    Due to u/sam007mac 's feedback.
    When a pin is set, your current location coordinates and the pinned location coordinates are showed to the left of your hotbar. It shows the name of the pin instead of the word "Pin" as depicted on the photo.

    You/\"Pin\": X coordinate Z coordinate (! Doesn't count Y/height coordinate !)

    submitted by /u/minddocdan
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    Map fragments that produce ancient maps

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Adding to the lore that archeology sites are from ancient peoples, map fragments should be one of the discoverable items in 1.17.

    This idea could be implemented many ways:

    Option 1: There could be 4 fragments producing one map per excavation site. These could lead to preexisting structures that already inexplicably exist from the past, ie jungle temples, ocean ruins, ruined portals, etc.

    Option 2: fragments are a rare item, with a small chance of 1 per site. All fragments are part of the same map, with the logic being that this map was common and widely distributed in the past. Players would need to find all 4 pieces (upper right fragment, upper left fragment, etc.) to craft the ancient map. This could lead to a new cave boss that past people trapped underground. Alternatively, perhaps this leads to large ancient abandoned cities. The use is flexible, but option 2 is mainly about fragments being more rare and leading to a more valuable destination.

    Option 3: better treasure. Logically, past people would have stored their valuables somewhere. Option 3 is a compromise between 1 and 2, and map fragments would be slightly more frequent but also more varied. So for example you could dig up a blue upper right fragment. All archeology sites within a given area of the world would lead to one better treasure. It would be treasure buried in the middle of land vs by the sea, and its loot would reflect the effort it takes to find the map.

    Comment your favorite option, feedback, or what you think ancient maps should lead to.

    submitted by /u/J_Seidy
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    Add JellyFish instead of Glowsquids

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Seriously. Why adding a glowing squid when you can add the literal same without it being a reskin?

    Jellyfishes glow irl, so you have the aesthetic purposes.

    Jellyfishes can give you poison effect, or stun you, and that would give them some interesting mechanics.

    The thing is, the jellyfishes would have everything that the glowsquid has, but it's pointless to lose the opportunity of adding jellyfishes (which won't be added if this doesn't happen because they would have too much similarities with the glow squid), which are a brand new mob, instead of a squid from a minecraft spin-off and a literal Squid reskin with no real uses.

    submitted by /u/AruNyx_Chan
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    Dripping stones.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Dripping stones originate from water droplets leaving calcium traces behind, both while hanging from the ceiling and falling on the floor.
    Therefore, stalagmites and stalactites always exist in pairs, at an exact vertical line.
    For every stalagmite, there's a stalactite hanging straight above it, at roughly the same size.

    So please, let the game generate the dripping stones in this way, true to nature.

    submitted by /u/ZuphCud
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    Telescope Highlights/Glows hostile mobs in the dark

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    This would work only in the Overworld.

    The Telescope will highlight any Hostile/Agressive mob at night(effect will start when sleep is enabled).

    I feel like this will ruin Build Showcases or Cinematics in the dark, so there should be a small bell on the telescope to activate the effect when clicked/tapped. The recipe of the Telescope can include the bell or, can create a new recipe for an item called Telescope with bell or Telescope Alarm - crafted using a Telescope and a bell.

    Passive Agressive mobs like Zombified Piglins, Endermen, Polar bears, will not be highlighted unless they're agressive at a player around them.

    submitted by /u/_memeboyo07
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    I have read a lot of suggestions for features that could let you sneak past Wardens. But what if there was a feature that makes you more noticeable for the Warden while giving another small benefit?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    One idea could be a feature that gives the player the ability for echolocation. For echolocation to work, one has to emit a sound. The feature could work in a similar way. It would make the Warden more aggressive / give them a longer hearing range, but it would improve player vision inside the cave.

    I know, the idea is not worked out yet, but I just wanted to share this general concept right here.

    submitted by /u/Leandrodon
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    Bats producing guano - Bringing Purpose to an overlooked mob

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Bats need a purpose, They haven't been updated the past 8 years since their introduction in 2012. They were added for the purpose of being ambiance mobs but they don't even spawn frequently and only on their own. Bats are known for coming packs in the hundreds or even thousands. Understandably, however, having 100 bats in one area would definitely lag the game to death. but a group of 15 - 20 would work better for the sake of game performance.

    These larger colonies would spawn in a cave biome called the Guano Caverns, Bats rest on the roof of the cave, and layer of guano covers the floor and can be mined for crop fertilizer.

    Guano is a layered block that will fall from any bats in mid flight or idle. It can be dug up with a shovel and used right on your crops or plants similar to bone meal. However, what if you want to make farming efficient, then putting the droppings in a furnace will give you crop dust, which will spread particles around the area if shot from a dispenser, but be careful, Crop dust is deadly to the player and it will damage anyone who breaths it in. You could get creative with this to make some interesting traps.

    In addition, Farmer Villagers is willing to pay a generous amount of emeralds and will actually sell even more crops and produce because of it.

    submitted by /u/MahBoiLeLenny
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    God Apple Curing

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    If you are super desperate, or if there are any limitations to brewing potions or getting a gapple, then you can insta-cure a zombie villager with a god apple (enchanted golden apple). I think this would make a cool little feature. Maybe the villager will be cured to be the type of villager it was when it was a zombie.

    submitted by /u/SirBlimp
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    Dead Seeds

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Dead seeds are seeds that will have a small chance (id say about a 7-10% chance) of appearing when crops are broken. All seeds from all crops (beetroot, wheat, pumpkin, melon, etc) should be classified as dead seeds. Dead seeds can be used in the composter to create bone meal.

    submitted by /u/FelixKabob321
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    Colourful Enchants With Cauldrons

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    It would be nice if you could throw dye into a cauldron filled with water which would colour the water. (Maybe it would be a nice use for amethyst crystals which would need to be thrown in too.) Afterwards you could either rightclick onto it or throw the item into the cauldron. Afterwards you'd gain a different colour of the enchantment-look.

    submitted by /u/Singularitaet_
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    Glow squids and "Illusionary Blindness"

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Hey Just a little idea on Glow squids. What if they caused some sort of illusionary Blindness.
    Further Explanation Below \/ \/ \/ \/

    Now what I mean by this is that with there "enchanting" effect, they cause a aura of blindness on the character restricting visual distance, while also Illuminating the Glow Squid.

    1. This would be a great technical aspect, because if done properly it will provide a way to have a survival source of blindness, and it is an area affect.
    2. Think of the dungeon potential. Tight hallways where you cant see endpoints and it adds an aspect of greater scale and depth. (For anyone familiar with Hermitcraft S7 and the game "Decked out", just imagine like the "catacomb of souls" with a gloom affect and then the sole fire standing out even more clearly when it is lit)
    3. Adds a scenic element for builders when constructing a build with the mindsets of Horror, gloom, or any spooky settings. This is something that in my opinion Minecraft is really missing, and would massively expand upon the potential for creative setting.
    4. It would simply be cool.
    5. Wacky and crazy light elements for roadways, tunnels, caves, And would be a very good adventure map tool.
    6. Playing off of the adventure map idea, the "enchanting" effect would possibly be able to be used through command effect application as well.

    Anyways, I would love to hear what some of you think of this, and I hope that I got my collective idea out in a straight forward manor.

    submitted by /u/gunner_ammo
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    Bloodstone (original netherrack)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Bloodstone is a block found in the nether wastes. It is mainly a blood trade; where if you break it, you take damage and get a rare item. You normally take 3 damage (one and a half hearts). If you mine it with silk touch, you won't take any damage. Items you can get include:

    Gold nuggets, magma cream, ghast tear, glowstone dust and gunpowder.

    So yeah, not an important block to find, but a useful one nonetheless.


    submitted by /u/Angry_Memist
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