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    Minecraft A way to safely descend for builds: Chorus Scaffolding

    Minecraft A way to safely descend for builds: Chorus Scaffolding

    A way to safely descend for builds: Chorus Scaffolding

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:56 AM PST

    Chorus Scaffolding is a block that acts similarly to regular scaffolding, with one crucial difference: It is upside-down. It can be placed on a ceiling and adding more scaffolding to it will place the new chorus scaffold below the existing one. They are also transparent blocks, just like regular scaffolding, but you cannot fall out of one by sneaking, if it is the bottom chorus scaffold.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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    Make Channeling more useful.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:27 PM PST

    Channeling is such a cool idea in concept. A throwable weapon that strikes lightning where it lands? It's an exciting prospect for a weapon, especially such a rare one as the Trident. It makes such a neat sound, too.
    Unfortunately the fact that you can only use it in thunderstorms takes away most of the intrigue. The only motive to use it is for charged creeper/witch farms, you're just plain not going to get the chance to use it otherwise. You can't flex it on people by striking them with lightning in combat(imagine the art!)
    So here are two proposed changes to the Channeling enchantment.

    -Make Channeling work without a thunderstorm. Throw your lightning wherever you want, become Zeus! Obviously this would make the weapon a bit too OP, so when out of a thunderstorm the weapon only does 4 damage and has a recharge of 10 seconds. When in a thunderstorm, however, the weapon has a recharge of 5 seconds and deals 6 damage. Both strikes set the target on fire like a regular lightning strike, but outside of a thunderstorm the surroundings are not burned--cook your food from a distance! When the target is under a block/is submerged in water or lava, the enchantment will not work. Thunderstormless lightning will not have effects on mobs that are changed by lightning.

    -Make Channeling into a treasure enchantment. Being able to summon lightning from the sky is a bit strong for a regular old enchantment table. If you have to hunt for it, it'll be much rarer and will feel like more of a challenge. This balances the buffs to the enchantment.

    submitted by /u/BudgieGryphon
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    Concrete powder can be converted into concrete by using a wet sponge

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:48 PM PST

    It would be a neat little feature and makes sense that a wet sponge could make one or a few blocks of concrete powder into concrete as a sponge absorbs so much water

    submitted by /u/BicBoi42069
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    Make a painting for the Monster Of The Depths

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST

    The monster of the ocean depths (aka mob A) lost the 2017 mob vote. So, I think Mojang could "add" in the mob and make a new painting by making a Mob A painting.

    The painting would be tall and show an unnamed player on a boat in the middle of the sea, fishing. Below the water, there would be a large abyss, getting darker as it gets deeper. There, where the dark meets the light, is where the monster of the ocean depths is. It has its long tongue coming up, and its tentacles spreading out. Soon, the player would be no more.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    Placing a Block of Netherite under a Note Block gives it an electric guitar sound.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:13 AM PST

    I think it would be worth making a block of netherite just for this sick sound.

    submitted by /u/OmeetTheMighty
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    Idea for the jukebox

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:20 AM PST

    Make the music play in loop until the CD was removed

    submitted by /u/algerie7
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    New villager profession: The redstone engineer

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 04:01 AM PST

    A villager would gain this profession by using a new workstation - The redstone crafting table. This table would not only be a new workstation, but it would also introduce a much easier way of crafting annoying redstone components (Dispensers specifically) by allowing the player to put the supplies for the selected redstone item (Sticks and string) and be able to easily craft them in bulk.

    As for the villager, their trades would mainly revolve around redstone components.

    They would buy cobblestone, slime balls, nether quartz, gold and iron.

    And they would sell repeaters, comparators, pistons, observers etc

    This is just an idea but it would be a very cool addition to the game :)

    submitted by /u/RobotRiot2112
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    Hitting space in a crafting interface (or just the normal inventory menu) should repeat the last successful crafting action.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:38 AM PST

    Holding shift should, obviously, act like shift clicking in the recipe book.

    this would greatly simplify dispenser grinders. and bulk crafting grinders. and making the description longer so the brainlet bot doesn't delete a post grinders.

    Suggestion post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360076604652-Hitting-Space-in-a-crafting-interface-should-repeat-crafts

    submitted by /u/ThePacmandevil
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    Why are deer not a thing in vanilla Minecraft yet??

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:21 AM PST

    They could honestly be one of the best foods in a Tiaga biome. Imagine 5 or 6 deer in a herd that roam. The only ways to kill them could to be to use a ranged weapon or sneaking up on them unseen and unheard. They could easily get spooked and run away. Even throwing potions at a distance would spook them. To make it interesting, mojang could do something like not allow them to be bred by the player or contained on a fence. Just like deer in real life jump over fences, it would be neat if they did the same in Minecraft. A final thing, it would be neat if they could drop their antlers for bone, and a rare drop of antlers that are wearable. The better the buck, the better the antlers

    submitted by /u/PoopMailRock
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    Holding down right click on a button should hold down the button.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST

    It'd be a simple change, but it'd help a lot with getting through piston doors.

    submitted by /u/HeroWither123546
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    New Potion: Potion of Overload

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:24 AM PST

    The Potion of Overload is brewed utilizing Cocoa Beans on an Awkward Potion. This potion is similar to potion of the turtle master in that it gives both a buff and a debuff. In this case, this potion gives Haste and a new debuff called Vulnerable, which is the opposite of Resistance: Increasing the damage you take. In essence, this potion is meant to turn you into a glass cannon, increasing your raw DPS or helping you mine quickly at the cost of taking more damage.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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    Campfire signals

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Similar to how noteblocks make diffirent sound when certain blocks are below them, the smoke from campfires should come out in diffirent shapes when certain blocks are placed above them. This would serve an astetic purpose (great for puzzles and adventure maps), but also spark creativity with redstone, communication, and presentation.

    submitted by /u/TomFazer
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    Craters in basalt delta

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:11 AM PST

    According to the wiki, the basalt delta is a volcanic biome. Bastions don't spawn in the basalt delta, but I feel like piglins used to live their since their bastions are made of mostly blackstone and basalt and they get along well enough with magma cubes to house a spawner in their treasure room for extra security.

    I think that the piglins for forced to move out of the basalt delta when the volcanos violently erupted. To reflect this lore, I think there should be reasonably uncommon but enormous craters throughout the basalt delta dozens of blocks wide and deep.

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    Please Moderators Stop This Message From Flooding Our Mailbox

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    Ok, so whenever I post a suggestion this message appears. I'm sure this might be happening to other people as well. It is super annoying and floods your mailbox. Please moderators fix this bug.

    Welcome to r/minecraftsuggestions, the place to suggest changes and additions to the game of Minecraft!

    Before posting an idea, try searching for posts suggesting the same using Reddit's search function and, more importantly, check the Frequently Posted Suggestions list (FPS list) to see if your idea has been suggested countless times before (you don't have to read or even know it all, you can just search the page for certains keywords, using Ctrl+F or your device's equivalent).

    Also, be sure to read the rules in the sidebar. It doesn't take long and it makes everyone's experience here better :)

    Also also, we have other pages you might want to check with a lot of useful information and a Discord server where you can brainstorm your ideas, share and discuss art or just have a casual chat.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    Crouching while plaxcing water won’t waterlog

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:43 AM PST

    The title says it all when placing water on a slab or stair it won't water log as long as your crouching.

    submitted by /u/LightningKicker76
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    Trident revamp

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:05 AM PST

    The trident is great. I love it. But it is disappointing how it was left behind in 1.16 because of netherite. I am not suggesting making a netherite trident possible. The trident probably isn't made out of diamond and that would make things a little inconsistent.

    I think that the enchantments (that were quite bad from the start) should get a bit of a rework. Impaling only works on aquatic mobs, riptide cannot be used with channeling or loyalty, and channeling can only be used in thunderstorms. (Which happen almost never)

    I suggest that impaling work as sharpness does but with an increased affect on aquatic mobs, and that channeling should be able to activate not only in thunderstorms but when it is just raining.

    submitted by /u/Meed306
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    Placing Crying Obsidian under a Note Block makes an Acoustic Guitar sound.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:21 AM PST

    Both are related to sad stuff, so why not?

    submitted by /u/OmeetTheMighty
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    Wither Bones

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:48 PM PST

    Idea: Wither Bones
    These bones would be dropped by the Wither (in large quantities) and Wither Skeletons.
    It could be seen as the opposite of normal bones.
    First Use: Wither Bone Meal - This could be placed on seeds, saplings, bamboo, and other plants, and it would stop the plant from growing further, useful for builds that would normally use string on the blocks to prevent growth. When used on the ground, it will clear dirt and kill all flowers/foliage. Made like regular bone meal, but using Wither Bones.
    Second Use: Wither Bone Blocks - This would look similar to a bone block but darker, and, when placed, would clear grass around it to dirt, and, if placed long enough, would turn dirt to Coarse Dirt. It would be useful for making patches of land without grass and a way to get Coarse Dirt. Crafting is same as Bone Blocks but using Wither Bones.
    Third Use: Freeing Pets - The Wither Bones could be used on tamed animals (any kind, not just dogs) and would cause them to turn into their wild variant. This seems pretty miniscule but sometimes you forget how many dogs you have and need to get rid of one, but don't have the level of corruption heart to kill it.
    Fourth Use: Black Dye - The Wither Bone Meal could be made into Black Dye, similar to how Bone Meal can be made into White Dye.
    Wither Bones drop from Wither Skeletons and the Wither
    Made into Wither Bone meal which stops growth of crops
    Made into Wither Bone blocks which wither an area around them
    Used to 'Un-Tame' pets
    Can be made into Black Dye

    submitted by /u/JonathanStardew
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    Add more structures that teach the player

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:14 PM PST

    One of my favorite things about the nether update is the addition of the ruined portal. Aside from being found in both overworld and nether, having like 16 different variations, spawning all over the place, and having a highly varied and well balanced loot table, I think the best thing about it is that it TEACHES the player.

    There's way too much about Minecraft that you can only learn by googling it, I think Minecraft can do a lot more to teach the player, and here's a few ways we can do that.

    1. Add the block "chiseled prismarine" that depicts the conduit, and add a room in ocean monuments and/or structures in ocean ruins that are basically a prismarine cage with this block in the middle. This teaches the player how to use a conduit.

    2. Add a new room to the fortress, let's say a graveyard with lots of soul sand graves and wither roses on them. There would be some kind of depiction of the wither on the floor or on the wall, and at the end of this room, in a shrine of some kind, there's a soul sand statue with 3 chiseled netherbrick in place of the skulls. This teaches the player how to summon the wither, and even conveys the idea that it's dangerous.

    3. Add a mesa temple. At the center of the mesa temple, there's a beacon pyramid made of yellow wool in place of gold. At the top of this beacon pyramid there's one chiseled red sandstone. This teaches the player how to use the beacon.

    4. Sporadically throughout villages, there's wool statues with jack o lanterns on top. This teaches the player how to summon an iron golem.

    I feel like you guys get my point by now. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    Skulk Skeleton

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

    This mob will spawn in the deep dark biome and will have the same spawn rate as a witch. It will appear to be a normal skeleton, but it will have skulk growths all over it and it will be able to fall apart and rise again at will. It is significantly faster than a regular skeleton, and it can spawn with any type of weapon (excluding crossbows and tridents), and can wear any type of armor. When it hits you, you will be effected with an effect known as "Skulk Poisoning", which disorients you by inverting all inputs (up=down, right=left, etc). It has 25 hit points, and is aggressive to all mobs other than undead mobs and the warden. When it is outside a deep dark biome, it will slowly loose its limbs and its hit points will decrease, and within 5 minutes, it will die and have a 0.5% chance to drop a skeleton skull.

    submitted by /u/Mynamebetter
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    [Community Feedback] Share your thoughts on the subreddit and help us improve it.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:44 PM PST

    Hello there, minecrafters!

    Welcome to our occasional community feedback post or, as I like to call it, MinecraftSuggestions Suggestions.

    Because we care about the communty's opinion and want to improve our subreddit, we ask you to give us your opinion about the sub and make this an even better place.

    So, without further ado...

    If you...

    • ...would like a change to the sub's appearance...

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    ... then leave a comment and help us improve our community.

    This time, we especially want feedback on a certain new feature.

    As you've probably already seen many times, we've made it so the Automod leaves a message in every post, explaining a bit about the subreddit. One such message is pinned in this post.

    The objective of this was to try to make more people read the rules and search before posting to make sure their idea is original, as well as clarify some common issues.

    We also have an alternative to send a similar welcome message when people subscribe to the subreddit, in their PM's (Private Messages).

    So, what do you think of this feature?

    • Should it stay like it is?

    • Should the comment be pinned?

    • Is it too annoying?

    • Should we have only the welcome message via PM's?

    As always, remember to keep your comments civil and constructive. Normal rules still apply.

    Thank you and have a good day/night.
    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    Iron Golems should have difficulty attacking zombie villagers.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    This idea both makes sense, and will balance gameplay.

    First of all, it balances gameplay because more than once has a village's iron golem interfered with, and even foiled my attempt to cure a zombie villager. I'm very tired of this happening and I'm sure many of you are too. I had to distract and destroy an iron golem just today for this reason.

    Second of all, It makes sense because the iron golem is looking at the infected version of the very townspeople it was summoned to protect and defend at all costs, and offer flowers to from time to time. It should be feeling deep regrets inside about what it feels it should do, right?

    It should have a slower attack rate to them, deal less damage and knockback, move with a lotless enthusiasm as if it had many regrets inside about killing them, and also have a chance to choose to just flee. And shed tear particles when it kills one.

    submitted by /u/Wiuev
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    Tipped Wooden Swords

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST

    To make combat more interesting, I was thinking about the creation of tipped wooden swords. Tipped wooden swords would be swords that apply a potion effect on hit, with only a few uses per potion. I'm not sure how this would be crafted - I was thinking perhaps a lingering potion and wooden sword for 5 uses of the potion.

    submitted by /u/FarklerMC
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    World organization system ( a boring but useful change )

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    The basis of this idea is that it is often very difficult to find a specific Minecraft world to open using the menu in Minecraft when there are a large number of worlds saved on your computer. it is often very easy to accidentally open a world that was created using a mod while playing vanilla, therefore losing any blocks that aren't in the base game from that world.

    My idea is that an organization system should be added to allow players to

    1. search by attributes:

    There could be "sort by" options, with alphabetical, date created, version last opened with, installation last opened with, game mode, difficulty, etc as possible orders to sort by.

    1. create folders:

    the ability to organize worlds would mean that players could easily find the world they are looking for, and make it so that a player could, for example, put all worlds that contain modded content are in a folder that only contains worlds made with the mods used.

    1. favorite a world:

    this would make it so that a world always appears at the top of the list or folder it is in.

    submitted by /u/Not_TheWeirdStudio
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