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    Minecraft Azalea wood

    Minecraft Azalea wood

    Azalea wood

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    If mojang decides to add azalea wood it could be green as we already have many shades of brown. For the design of the door and the trapdoor I was looking for a fairy-like design. The log is similar to the oak one but I tried to make it look more curvy. (Sorry for my bad English)

    submitted by /u/Paw11235
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    Volcanos (Active & Extinct)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    We have mountains now in the 1.18 experimental snapshot, but volcanos are nowhere to be found, so this is my suggestion.

    Volcanos come in 2 key variants, 'Active' or 'Extinct', and are generally lonesome structures forming near coastlines or as standalone islands in the middle of the 'Deep Ocean' biomes. A volcano is split into 2 segments, the peak, of which there is the 'Fiery Peaks' for 'Active' volcanos, and the 'Snowy Craters' for 'Extinct' ones, as well as the magma chamber underground, of which there is the 'Magma Chambers' for 'Active' volcanos, and the 'Rocky Chasms' for 'Extinct' ones.

    'Fiery Peaks' and 'Snowy Craters' generate at the peak of volcano, with 'Fiery Peaks' consisting of a crater surrounded by many hard rocks such as 'Cobbled Deepslate', and 'Gravely Deposits', like those found in the nether. 'Snowy Craters' on the other hand, includes the same crater from before, but now filled with blocks such as 'Powder Snow' to take advantage of the crater's depth, and even 'Icy Lakes' from where water has precipitated and froze over.

    'Magma Chambers' and 'Rocky Chasms' generate inside the volcano, directly under the peak, with 'Magma Chambers' consisting of a lava-filled chamber, surrounded by many hard rocks such as 'Cobbled Deepslate', and 'Gravely Deposits', like those found in the nether, with many maze-like caves heading off in all directions, also filled with lava. 'Rocky Chasms' on the other hand, includes the same Chamber from before, but now filled with blocks such as 'Dripstone' from solidified magma designed to take advantage of the chamber's depth, and 'Cobbled Deepslate' from where magma has solidified and formed new rocks.

    To encourage players to explore the 'Magma Chambers' and 'Rocky Chasms' biomes, there will be increased amounts of ore generation due to the 'newly' formed rock, with generation of ores ignoring the standard height patterns. By ignoring the standard height generation patterns of ores, not only will the spread of said ores be more varied, but also help attract experienced players who are mining underground locating these biomes, and the frequency and spread of the ores will guide them towards the central chamber. By making more ores generate closer to the biome's centre, and slowly dissipate as you get further away, will also encourage more risk taking, discourage mining at only the outskirts of the biome, and further aid in guiding mining players towards the central chamber.

    Now, I explore you, put some of your thoughts in the comment section, not just about my suggestion, but also your personal suggestions, or amendments to mine.

    submitted by /u/opverteratic
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    Rabbit hide really needs to have a 100% drop rate.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    Considering bundles are an early game item, I don't think I should have to commit rabbit genocide just to get 1 bundle.

    I know they're increasing rabbit spawn rates, but the fact that basically half of them are babies makes it not that affective of a change. A welcome one for sure, but not enough.

    submitted by /u/fostralian
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    A new enchantment for Elytra

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:31 AM PDT

    The enchantment will be called 'Death Awaiter'. It will be an enchantment for elytra and will have 2 levels, basically, it will give a temporary slow falling effect when the elytra break. I just get lost in discovering my world and enjoying my flight so I just forget that my elytra may break and it broke many times and I died. This must have been a problem with everyone at least once.

    So, to avoid death and not to lose all the stuff this enchantment will give a slow falling effect, so the player can get ready to take out any of the equipment to do an MLG. The slow falling in level 1 will be of 5 seconds and in level 2 it will be of 8 seconds.

    The name can be changed but the uses can't be. - u/miNecRftLover21

    submitted by /u/miNecRftLover21
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    In creative, you Shouldn’t get an empty glass bottle when consuming a potion

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    This applies with buckets, I don't know why it does with potions.

    submitted by /u/nevryb0dy
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    Plan Bee

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Move a Bee from a bee nest to a bee hive

    submitted by /u/Shay_The_Guy69
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    Be Careful About Saying "It's Optional"

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    It's fairly common to see suggestions roll through the sub that include something to the effect of "This would be optional, and could be toggled in the menu."

    There seem to be two related motivations for this: either OP is aware that the feature might be an acquired taste and don't want people to feel obligated to use it, or OP doesn't want to deal with curmudgeons who dislike anything that isn't already in the game and thus wants to give themselves the opportunity to hit back with "Well it's optional so your argument is invalid."

    In my own humble opinion, neither of these is a good reason for something to be optional.

    It's a very generous thing to think "Well, I don't want people to have to put up with this if they don't like it, but I think it's great for the game, so maybe it could be optional!"

    But changes in Minecraft don't materialize out of thin air. There are people being paid to create them. It is their job. And any change the devs make has to be double-checked to make sure it meshes well with the current game and makes sense given what the community already knows. Then it has to be playtested and debugged - a long, long process that takes even more resources away from projects like optimizing the game for folks trying to play on their $200 Thinkpad.

    Any changes/new features added to the game should, in general, be good enough that it's worth making everybody go with it. If an idea isn't good enough to make the entire community go along with it, then it probably isn't worth the time to implement it at all.

    Sure, there are some suggestions that are specifically "There should be a gamerule to modify X," or "There should be a menu toggle for Y performance feature." It's perfectly fine for those to be optional because they are inherently optional.

    But suggestions like "Make a toggle between 1.8 and 1.9 combat!" or "Add an incredibly complex Zombie attack pattern that can be disabled with a gamerule" are incredibly messy. They flippantly knock around core game mechanics at a fundamental level and allow the community to fracture similarly to the tension between Java and Bedrock superfans.

    TL;DR: If a suggestion isn't good enough to be required, then it probably isn't good enough to be implemented at all. Changes take time, resources, and community feedback. Suggesting a complex idea and then saying "make it optional!" is not making a quality suggestion, it's asking Mojang to make a mod for you. If it isn't good enough to be vanilla, then it isn't good enough for Mojang to do it at all.

    submitted by /u/Imrahil3
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    Different music in different biomes

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:05 AM PDT

    I think it would greatly improve the atmosphere of adventure in Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/yupyuptrp
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    New Wandering type Villager, "Adventurer"

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    It's similiar to the Wandering Trader where you can find him anywhere on the world, but his trades would be alot different from the wandering trader, so here are his trades

    Trades [Can sell 4 Items, 2 Maps, 2 Items]

    (Maps) :

    2-5 Emeralds and a Compass - Explorer Map #1 (Leads to a Desert)

    5-8 Emeralds and a Compass - Explorer Map #2 (Leads to a Taiga Biome)

    8-12 Emeralds and a Compass - Explorer Map #3 (Leads to a Dark oak Biome)

    10-15 Emeralds and a Compass - Explorer Map #4 (Leads to a Mountain Biome)

    10-18 Emeralds and a Compass - Village Map (Leads to a Village, Any Biomes)

    15-20 Emeralds and a Compass - Explorer Map #5 (Leads to a Snowy Plains or a Snowy Taiga)

    20-30 Emeralds and a Compass - Explorer Map #6 (Leads to a Jungle Biome)

    25 Emeralds and a Compass - Explorer Map #7 (Leads to a Mesa Biome)

    (Items) :

    1-3 Emerald - 3 Cactus

    1 Emerald and 10 Sand - 10 Red Sand

    1 Emerald - 4 Any type of Saplings

    2 Emerald - 2 any type of Coral

    1 Emerald - 2 Redstone

    10 Any Dye - 1 Emerald

    10 Flint - 1 Emerald

    1 Chest - 1 Emerald

    submitted by /u/Not_WhiteShockX
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    Lake Biome, and a solution for pointless rivers

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    The Lake biome would be a medium sized body of water that spawns inland.

    This lake has cod, and in warm biomes can have tropical fish. There is kelp ands seagrass and the occasional cave entrance beneath the surface.

    I believe these lakes would serve as an ending point for rivers. They could end in lakes, guiding players to cool locations in their world.

    These lakes would look fantastic with a house, or you could use it to make a massive drowned farm.

    I think lakes would fit into the terrain very nicely and could look super cool, as the only lakes we have now are those lame holes in the ground.

    I propose we remove the water-holes and add in these lakes.

    submitted by /u/ReactionRD
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    What is the FPS list? An explanation for newcomers.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    One of the first thing one will see on this subreddit, is the "The FPS list" button right ontop of this subreddit. The fourth rule on here is to consult the list, and posts often get deleted because of it. However, many people (including me) are often confused about what it actually is about.

    What is the list?

    The FPS list is a collection of ideas that were extremely commonly posted on the MCS subreddit, like having slabs/stairs/walls for every block or linking minecarts. While they may still come in, posts containing them will be deleted from the subreddit. The list is being continuously expanded by reddit moderators, and users can suggest new entries in the discords request channel (link to it is in the sub description)
    Note: If the idea is pulled off in a very original way that has not been suggested before, they will not be deleted.

    Whats the point?

    This subreddit primarily exists to give minecraft devs input and inspiration, however, no input is valuable if you have already heard it ten times. The entries on the list have most certainly already been seen by the devs and are therefore only clogging up the feeds, preventing original ideas and feedback from being seen.

    submitted by /u/LolbitClone
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    Dark Villager

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Dark Villagers are like normal villagers, but it's not a type of villager that would betray the village to the illagers, no. Dark Villagers are villagers whose abode is underground, hidden under a village farm with a pressure plate and piston to access its lair.

    Dark Villagers are like the black market. You can only buy his item only once, and he will only have one item to trade with each day. These includes, but not limited to:

    • Enchanted books with 3 maxed enchantments on it, all 3 are enchantments that is exclusive to a weapon/armor/tool. (e.g.: Sharp 5, Fire 2, Sweep 3 or Prot 4, Featherfall 4, Depth Strider 3). 70 emeralds.
    • 2 netherite ingots. 75 emeralds.
    • 2 totems of undying. 60 emeralds.
    • 12 eyes of ender. 100 emeralds.
    • Enchanted books with 1 level above the max level. Only Sharpness, Protection, Power, and Efficiency exists. 70 emeralds.
    • A stack of rooted dirt. 40 emeralds.
    • An Enchanted Golden Apple. This will not be refreshed once you buy it, so you can only get one. 256 emeralds.

    Once you trade with it, it will disappear for 5 minecraft days. It will then offer you a new item, and will change every minecraft day.

    If you try to bring it outside of its base then trade with it, it will reappear inside its base. So you can't bring it to your villager trading hall.

    A village will have a 1% chance of spawning with a dark villager base. Because the base is underground, it will not spawn in a regular superflat world.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    To make desert temples more interesting, give a 50% chance for each of the nine spots at the bottom of the TNT pit to have a stone pressure plate.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    The center spot should have a 75% chance to spawn a stone pressure plate.

    For added entertainment, have tripwires attached to TNT be placed at random heights above the chests and embedded into the shaft, which will trigger the TNT at the bottom--or maybe TNT embedded in the walls which will push the player off the staircase they're building and into the pressure plates below.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Hostile mobs should continue spawn up to light level 7 if the spawn point is underneath dark oak leaves (in the Dark Forest biome)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    By now, most of us should be aware of the revised spawn mechanics in the newest snapshots, where complete darkness (light level 0) is now required for hostile mob spawning. It's a good change, since now you're no longer required to ruin the look of your builds by spamming torches everywhere.

    However, I foresee it affecting the Dark Forest biome negatively, as one if it's most interesting features is how it can spawn hostile mobs even during the day, which might no longer be possible with the new rule. To work around this problem, the suggestion in the title ought to be applied.

    submitted by /u/Anooj4021
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    Pressing space after crafting an item will refill the crafting spaces with the same recipe

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Similar to how you can press space after trading with a villager to initiate the same trade. This will help a ton with crafting large amounts of items, especially ones with annoying recipes like dispensers.

    submitted by /u/DisturbedWaffles2019
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    Better Carpets

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Carpets are too ugly in minecraft at the moment. It would be amazing if you could use the banners' mechanic with them to make beautiful patterns.

    I'm not sure if it's possible to make, it's just a suggestion.

    submitted by /u/Ahydul
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    Sneaking should close the Elytra

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    If you're flying and you sneak, your Elytra should close (turn off). This is useful for landing more easily and for more versatility in flight. Sneaking during flight right now doesn't do anything, so I think this is a good usage for it

    submitted by /u/TheEeveelutionMaster
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    A Mount Everest sized mountain

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    These extremely elusive mountains are super sized mountains comparable to Mount Everest. These would go up to around Y ~256-300. These would be rarer than most structures in the game. (Jungle Temples, Mesas, Ice Spikes, etc)

    Climbing to the top of these would give you the "Ultimate Summit" achievement.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    Brick color

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:08 AM PDT

    Brick block just doesn't fit into anything. It's way to saturated than real life bricks. Using it as wall is not a good idea because of the contrasting colors (green grass and red bricks). Even brick roof doesn't look good because it's too saturated, it doesn't look natural. Maybe changing the design of the block or desaturating its color will make it better and more people will use it.

    submitted by /u/alleoc
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    Make the Enderdragon phase through all blocks from The End and also one color

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Make the enderdragon phase through more blocks that generate in The End such as Purpur and Endstone Bricks.

    It's worth noting that three blocks that are "native" to the Overworld -- Chests, Magenta Banners and Magenta Glass -- generate naturally in End Cities. The intuitive thing to do would be to make an exception for them and keep them as-is, with the dragon destroying them.

    However, The End is an alien realm with weird creatures that behave unnaturally. So although I agree that the dragon should continue to destroy chests, my suggestion is to lean in the other direction for the other two blocks and make the dragon phase through the color magenta. All magenta blocks should be dragonproof.

    In addition to enhancing The End's strangeness, making the dragon phase through magenta would give builders limited access to certain block types when building dragon arenas. For example, they would be able to use carpets, glass panes, shulker boxes, concrete powder, and beds, but only if they're of the magenta variety. Thus they would have access to important decorative, storage, gravity, and explosive blocks, but only ones that are magenta.

    Full list of blocks that I'm proposing be made dragonproof: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DMBuce/bucepack/master/data/minecraft/tags/blocks/dragon_immune.json

    That link is from my datapack that implements this idea. In case anyone wants to play around with the proposed change: https://github.com/dmbuce/bucepack#dragonproof-end

    submitted by /u/DMBuce
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    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    Kill a phantom while flying with an elytra.

    submitted by /u/Captain_Cookiez
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    Make the usage of blocks as villager workstations "togglable"

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Currently, when villagers detect job blocks, they will walk to them and claim them, or, in bedrock, claim it no matter where it is. This can get frustrating when you are trying to use them as decoration.

    To solve this problem, these blocks could have parameters that restrict villagers to taking the job only when those parameters are met.

    For example, I recently made a post where conditions for a barrel to change texture and become suitable for jobs were talked about. This could be applied in a similar way to other blocks.

    e.g. smithing table: emerald in the "ingot" slot (where netherite would normally go)

    loom: emerald in the dye slot

    cartography table: emerald in the map slot

    And so on, you get the idea. This would greatly help with controlling villagers, and they wouldn't continuously claim the blocks you don't want them to claim. And for clarification, the emeralds suggested earlier would stay in the block even when the gui is closed.

    TLDR: Parameters should be added that control whether a villager can take a workstation or not, primarily to make it easier to use those blocks as decoration.

    submitted by /u/1000_iq
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