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    Minecraft Drillager, A new illager mob for the caves

    Minecraft Drillager, A new illager mob for the caves

    Drillager, A new illager mob for the caves

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    Drillager, A new illager mob for the caves


    The Drillager will look similar to the Geomancer from the creeper's code datapack

    Geomancer :


    But it would get rid of the crystal necklace and change the cloth into the dripstone color and turn the eye color to green

    What it does

    Drillagers appear in Dripstone caves, Dripstone caves kinda feel boring because it's just.. dripstone? the drillager would not participate in raids, it will only spawn in dripstone caves, when it sees a player, it will do the evoker animation and summon pointed dripstone 10 blocks above the player to impale the player, if the roof is shorter than 10 blocks, It will summon the dripstone at the possible roof.


    Drillagers will have 15 hearts

    Drillagers would have the same speed as a evoker

    Drillagers would be tall as a husk


    Upon Death, Drillagers drop 1-2 Pointed Dripstone and 1-3 Dripstone Blocks and 1-3 emeralds.

    Counters :

    If the drillager is in the surface where there is no roof, the drillager will try and flee to the nearest cave system or a open hill or mountain.

    If the player is in a 2 block space, the drillager will keep trying to hurl dripstone but it will just end up in the block above the player, also the pointed dripstone that is falling will only drop a pointed dripstone per every 3 hurls.

    submitted by /u/Not_WhiteShockX
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    An option to show the player's left hand instead of the right hand.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    This feature may sound somewhat useless to some people, but I want my minecraft character to be left handed. Unfortunately, this is not possible. Some people may argue this is already on java edition, but it isn't really there either. The show left hand feature basically just moves the player's right hand to the left side of the screen, rather than actually showing the left hand. Even worse, bedrock edition doesn't have the feature at all. So I believe both versions of the game should allow minecraft characters to be left handed. I am sure I am not the only person who noticed this issue.

    submitted by /u/DUK_EE3E
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    More strongholds

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    More strongholds

    This is how the strongholds in Java are spread out today; eight rings with 128 strongholds in total.

    At the current moment, there are 128 strongholds in a Minecraft world split up by rings. The further out, the more strongholds per ring, but further apart from each other. The rings stop at 25k.

    It's weird that strongholds are the only structure you need to be near spawn to enter. All biomes and structures, you can find them anywhere in the Minecraft world. Only strongholds require you to be within 25k blocks of spawn.

    My suggestion is there should be more strongholds away from 25k. The idea is the rings repeat themselves every 100,000 blocks, like this:

    Following this pattern, there would be 90,000 sets of rings in the entire world. That is a total of 11,520,000 strongholds, making it relatively accessible wherever you are.

    submitted by /u/ProClifo
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    Vertical rails (secured) in order to build some roller coasters

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Vertical rails: (secured rails)

    These would be placable like ladders but they are in fact minecart rails!

    This new rail is crafted using a rail and 2 copper ingots left and right

    It connects to the other rails: for example you place it on a wall above a normal rail, the normal rail will raise to connect with it via a 45 degrees slope.

    The particularity of this rail is that it keeps the minecarts ON the rail (secured rail) in order to continuously connect the minecarts networks that are at different levels: If a rail reaches a cliff with a secured rail, the minecart is not thrown off the rail but it keeps its speed on the vertical rail.

    The golden version (crafted with a golden rail + 2 copper ingots) will be able to boost the minecarts just like normal golden rails, so they can climb the vertical railed surfaces thanks to that boosts.

    I was also thinking about the possibility to place them on the ceilings in order to have upsidedown minecarts network. => Roller coaster's loops!

    submitted by /u/Lacryman5
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    Levitation suspicious stew

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    Crafting suspicious stew takes a bowl, mushrooms, and a flower, if you craft suspicious stew with either a chorus flower or popped chorus fruit you can make levitation suspicious stew, it wouldn't be able to be found in any chests and you can only craft it

    submitted by /u/RevolutionaryRat
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    !NOT MY IDEA! The Troll, a hostile mob that spawns in birch forests (Link to original: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/pm766q/i_designed_a_mob_called_the_troll_and_made_mob/)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    !NOT MY IDEA! The Troll, a hostile mob that spawns in birch forests (Link to original: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/pm766q/i_designed_a_mob_called_the_troll_and_made_mob/)

    All credit goes to u/Apizku7**.**

    Okay so the troll is new hostile mob that spawns during the nighttime in forests (Most commonly in birch forests)

    The Troll has the longest range in game, being able to shoot needles at you from over 30 blocks away.

    Upon death these giants drop paper and needles. Needles can be thrown like darts or crafted into dartboards, which are like smaller target blocks that can be placed like paintings.

    You can also use these needles to brew potion of stinging or needle stew, which both give new effect called Stinging.

    This effect makes you take (1 full heart, 1.5 hearts, 2 hearts, damage scales by level of the potion) of extra damage when you are hit.

    - Apizku7

    Art By Apizku7


    submitted by /u/GZB2007
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    The Nightgown, flying jellyfish of the night skies

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:34 AM PDT


    The nightgown is a flying gown monster with bright tentacles that spawns in the sky at night. It's an opportunistic creature, descending from the heavens when a player is very high in the world (usually at a mountain cliff).

    They tend to pick up players to drop them into whatever hazard they can find near them.

    Whether it be stalagmites, lava or simply dropping them to the ground doesn't matter to the nightgown. Its easy to escape from its grasp, just hit it and it'll let you go.


    Upon death, it drops a blue gown that can be crafted with redstone into a remote nightgown.

    It's kind of a coordinates entity. Bringing you to a location of your choosing (within a 75 block radius) when you grab onto it. You need to enter coordinates for this contraption to work, otherwise it won't do anything.

    It's not fast, but it can get the job done when you want a safe, airborne trip for the early game.

    submitted by /u/Master_Wildfire_2017
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    Netherite Helmets on Zombies/Skeletons don’t take sun damage

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    You probably know that zombies and skeletons with helmets don't burn up in the sun, what you might not know, however, is that the helmets they wear do take damage from the sunlight, this makes sense, but not for netherite, since it's fire resistant

    submitted by /u/IOnlyPlayAsBushRager
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    My idea for an armour update

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Basically this update gives chainmail a huge buff as well as adding different types of chainmail and giving all armour nerfs as well as some buffs

    With the chainmail it's kinda simple. Basically you can wear any armour over chainmail. This combo gives you more armour. For example, leather armour and iron chainmail is a bit stronger than full iron armour with no chainmail. Gold and copper chainmail will also be added but they are much weaker, more of a decoration than combat capable Chainmail will have very limited enchantments, this is to stop it from being broken. The only enchants you can put on it is unbreaking and mending. For the copper chainmail there could be a brand new enchantment added which stops the copper from ageing

    In terms of nerfs most of it comes from the biomes and the temperature. In warmer biomes movement speed will become slower as the armour gets heavier, applying chainmail will also effect movement speed. The nether will be the most extreme example of this. Wearing no armour will see increased movement compared to wearing full iron for example. This will make the nether more of a challenge as you need to find a balance between mobility and armour, at least until you find some netherite. This is because full netherite gear with chainmail in the Nether will actually see an increased movement speed as it is made of materials found in the Nether. Neutral biomes like plains and cold biomes like Tundra will not see loss of movement

    Despite its slower movement in the overworld netherite does have one big advantage here. As netherite is the heaviest armour it is great as a diving suit, the player will sink underwater quicker while wearing this armour which could make raiding ocean temples much easier to break into.

    As a fun Easter egg wearing no armour except a leather chest plate will allow you to float automatically

    Another new enchantment could be something like "lightness" which basically gives you increasingly more movement back while wearing heavy armour, I wouldn't want this to apply to chainmail as I do want it to feel like it's a nerf in some aspects like mobility while giving you more protection

    submitted by /u/Plankton-Inevitable
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    Realistic Tundra/Arctic biome ideas- flora, fauna, soil types, etc [Images inside]

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    The currently assigned "Tundra Biome" is really just flat grass plains with snow and spruce here and there. Having studied this ecosystem in-depth I'd like to offer some suggestions for a more realistic variant. Here are some photographs for reference: https://imgur.com/a/xb22t4P

    • The grass which grows in most tundra- excepting very special cases like in Iceland- is typically a very muted green, a brown-green more like and sometimes yellowed or yellowed-green and is very short
    • Tundras are not always blanketed in snow- think the tundra outside Whiterun in Skyrim, though this is nowhere near perfect. Often they're like vast wastelands of bald mountains, hills, rivers, valleys and open desolate ground
    • Tundras often host a variety of lichen, grass, heather-like flowers and very low-growing berries, for instance
    • Would often occur by large lakes or seas, allowing for the placement of seal and walrus colonies, for example. Other fauna include arctic foxes and rabbits as well as kinds of cervids (caribou, reindeer, etc) and, of course, polar bears (Northern hemisphere)
    • Barren exposed rock and earth is common in Tundra environments- not everything is blanketed in grass or heather. This might allow for new interesting kinds of soil/loam/dirt instead of the same uniform default brown (ex. sandy loams, coarse rocky loam, gritty gray loam vs dark fertile loam).
    • This suggestion also recommends different kinds of natural rock and stone formations, including piles or heaps of natural rocks and stones. In tundras and really any Arctic biomes ,scattered heaps and piles or boulders/stones/rocks are a result of glacier terraformation, whereby enormous bodies of ice carved and desolated land-masses and carried with them masses of displaced minerals in the form of earth and rock.

    All this aside, I'm sure many of you all at Mojang are familiar enough with Tundra, being so near the Arctic circle as the Scandinavian countries are.

    submitted by /u/Geisl
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    The ability to set world spawn in other dimensions.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    We should be able to set the world's spawn in the Nether or End, for example if we wanted to do a nether only survival or a server based only in the nether. It just seems like it should be a thing. And if we want to undo it and have spawn be in the overworld again, just reset the world spawn.

    submitted by /u/HARLEYQUINNHAMMER
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    Revamped smithing table

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    I'd like to propose a change to the smithing table, so that it opens more progression options and better combat. (Post is mostly based around combat snapshots.)

    So first and foremost, we need to make the smithing table a customization tool. So, we need to set some mechanics. So first, there would be a handle. The material that this would be made of would determine the durability of your tool. Then, there would be the blade/pick/the part of a tool that does the thing. This would determine stats such as damage or efficiency.

    So now that we have the basics, here's the exciting part. You could combine parts (such as combining a iron blade with a diamond blade) to increase stats (this is mostly dependent on initial stats of the two parts). You could also get special parts (maybe from crafting or chests/fishing) to get new abilities with new mechanics (these could also be combined).

    So, that ends my suggestion. Feel free to leave any ideas in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Stormy_42
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    Coral reefs should sometimes generate in ocean caves.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    I think this would jus look good, and make the bland environment in those caves a bit more interesting, as they currently have no vegetation except for the glowlichen, and no mobs except for drowneds and glowsquids.

    I know it's not entirely realistic because coral normally only thrives quite close to the surface, but it's minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Bundles Overhaul - A complete inventory management solution (Long post summary at the end)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:56 AM PDT


    Ever since bundles were revealed at Minecon Live they have received a mixed reception from the community. This is because bundles tackle only one of many problems regarding inventory management - clearing clutter.

    This is fine - bundles currently tackle this problem fairly well. There are some minor issues in terms of availability early game but the bundle as it is currently does its job.

    You might therefore be asking what is this point of this post. I'm suggesting a way that the bundle can be used as a method to help tackle multiple inventory management issues and remain fairly useful to the player at all stages of the game.

    This post is broken up into segments and the essential information will be in bold and in a summary at the end if you don't have time to read it all.


    This is the main issue people have with bundles at the moment, and although this doesn't really bother me I have some ideas on how to make bundles a bit more accessible early on.

    1. Bundles can be found in shipwrecks, pillager outposts and abandoned mineshafts as chest loot. These are all uncommon structures that are fairly challenging to loot/face, providing a risk/reward option for early and mid-game players to get bundles. The lore behind bundles in these structures is that pirates, pillagers and miners all used bundles to store treasures they found on their explorations, raids and work shifts respectively.
    2. Rabbits spawn in the new 1.18 Meadows biome and also in plains (but at a lower chance/number compared to other passive mobs). This would further open up the possibilities for rabbit hunting early game and give the new meadows biome a bit more purpose and individuality.
    3. Bundles will appear as a master leatherworker trade 100% of the time and cost 6 emeralds (the same as saddles). This would mainly be used by mid to late game players to obtain bundles renewable without the need for a rabbit farm. The price and work needed for the trade make sure that it doesn't undermine the early-game methods of obtaining bundles, but rather it's a worthwhile method for players advanced in villager trading.

    Core Functionality

    These are the major changes to how the bundle is used which allows it to be a versatile inventory management tool valuable to all styles of players.

    Bundles now have twice the capacity. This means that they can hold either 128 regular items or 32 items that stack to 16 or 2 unstackable items. Before you say that this is OP, remember that one bundle can only give the player one extra inventory slot with this change. As the game is updated, players need more inventory space to partake in the new content introduced. Bundles now grant players that extra inventory at a reasonable price early game as well as the ability to clear inventory clutter, whilst shulker boxes still offer mass portable storage late game.

    Bundles now have a simple GUI which can be opened by right-clicking it while in your hand. This GUI allows the player to change the order in which items are pulled out of the bundle. By default, the last item put into the bundle is the first to be pilled out. This can be switched so that the first item being the first pulled out or so that items are pulled out in random order. This may not seem that useful by itself but has greater value in conjunction with other changes I will go through now.

    Bundles can be crafted into specialised containers that offer double the regular storage (256 regular items, 64 items that stack to 16 or 4 unstackable items) and can perform an extra inventory function but can only hold certain types of items. Currently, I've got two ideas for specialised containers.

    Quiver: By surrounding a bundle with arrows in a crafting table players can create quivers that can only store regular, tipped and spectral arrows as well as fireworks. When shooting with a bow or crossbow the ammunition in the quiver is used. Arrows in a quiver take priority over any other arrows in the player's inventory. This would encourage crossbow usage since they can't be enchanted with infinity and players can now easily carry lots of arrows. Furthermore, players are encouraged to use special arrow types as 256 arrows can be stored in a single inventory slot.

    Drinking Pouch: A drinking pouch can only hold potable liquids (e.g regular potions, honey bottles, milk buckets, stews, soups and water bottles), and when the bundle is used one of these consumables is drunk. The empty bottles and bowls from drinking stay in the pouch after drinking. This would give stews and soups another buff after the consumption speed of liquids was shortened in the combat test snapshots. This would also increase the useability of potions as once the combat snapshots are implemented this would mean a stack of potions could be stored in a single inventory slot, but I think that might be too OP.

    Changing the order of item extraction of specialised bundles allows for some cool gameplay. For example, quivers can allow the player to shoot random arrow types and afflict targets with multiple debuffs.

    Additional Features

    Items in bundles will be dispensed out of dispensers. I know this is commonly suggested but now that you can change the order items are pulled out from bundles this would mean that items would be dispensed in that same order out of a bundle in a dispenser. Also, dispensers would be able to shoot arrows out of quivers inside them.

    Bundles can also be dyed, which I also know is a common suggestion here but it adds to the other original ideas in the post. This would be useful for organisation as now people are more likely to use multiple bundles.

    Now for balance bundles can't interact with shulker boxes but they both share utility for solving different aspects of the inventory problem.


    Bundles can be found in shipwrecks, pillager outposts and abandoned mineshafts as chest loot.

    Rabbits spawn in the new 1.18 Meadows biome and also in plains (but at a lower chance/number compared to other passive mobs).

    Bundles will appear as a master leatherworker trade 100% of the time and cost 6 emeralds (the same as saddles).

    Bundles now have twice the capacity. This means that they can hold either 128 regular items or 32 items that stack to 16 or 2 unstackable items.

    Bundles now have a simple GUI which can be opened by right-clicking it while in your hand. This GUI allows the player to change the order in which items are pulled out of the bundle. By default, the last item put into the bundle is the first to be pilled out. This can be switched so that the first item being the first pulled out or so that items are pulled out in random order.

    Bundles can be crafted into specialised containers that offer double the regular storage (256 regular items, 64 items that stack to 16 or 4 unstackable items) and can perform an extra inventory function but can only hold certain types of items.

    Quiver: By surrounding a bundle with arrows in a crafting table players can create quivers that can only store regular, tipped and spectral arrows as well as fireworks. When shooting with a bow or crossbow the ammunition in the quiver is used.

    Drinking Pouch: A drinking pouch can only hold potable liquids (e.g regular potions, honey bottles, milk buckets, stews, soups and water bottles), and when the bundle is used one of these consumables is drunk.

    Items in bundles will be dispensed out of dispensers; they can also be dyed and can no longer interact with shulker boxes.


    Thanks to u/ThatOneKirbyMain2658 for proposing the GUI for bundles.

    Thanks to everyone reading the post and I would happily appreciate your feedback in the comments.

    submitted by /u/IFOUNDAHAZARD7
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    Give players a cape for voting in the 2021 Mob Vote

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Since people have reasonably voiced concerns about the negativity that brews in the community during the annual voting at Minecraft Live/Minecon, I think a way to mitigate (of course not resolve,) some of the anger that people have if say the mob or biome or whatnot that they voted for doesn't win would be to give voters a cape. Maybe the cape could be a fun commemorative one like in previous minecon years, or it could be a cape that displays the mob you voted for! That could be a fun way to show solidarity with your vote and still have a little trace of it even if it doesn't win.

    I think this idea is reasonable because there is a clear need for a mix-up of the voting system and now that capes are becoming more accessible, I think this would be a fun early one to distribute. It might be hard to track votes to distribute capes so perhaps the voting must be done through a separate mojang website and the link is shared through Minecraft Twitter. Idk I'm not the IT guy lol

    submitted by /u/celerysatan
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    Light Feet

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    This enchant allows the player to gain more speed if they keep running or walking in the same direction without turning or jumping I would think this has 3 tiers and can't be paired with soul speed.

    This would also count as having momentum so it would pair with my last suggestion wich was the momentum based weaponry.

    submitted by /u/WWeavile
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    Hoarder and Pillager Guard

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    Hoarder - Hoarders are rare/uncommon mobs, part Illager/Villager (Human), part Horse. Found in specific places, most commonly found from Patrols/Raids. They appear as Centaurs, Greek Mythical Creatures, a human with legs of a horse's body.

    Whilst Uncommon, they can be somewhat not so hard, but hard...ish to find. Hoarders make it DIFFICULT to escape PvE, especially when more mobs are apparent due to their very speedy Horse Legs. They are not as pale as Illagers, about 33% more coloured to their Villager Form, but pale and grey.

    They are commonly found wearing horse armor, spaulders that have leather straps, wrapping around their chest and back, with a lower belly protection like gow4 (2018) spaulders and wear helmets, maybe like MC Dungeons.

    Idk what their weapon should be, I am not going to invest my time.

    Pillager Guard - Pillager Guards wear thicker clothing, additonal wearings, more "clothing armor", goggles and etc. Pillagers Guards spawn in Pillager Towers and Raids and leather hats (not armor, just design)

    They use firework rockets instead of arrows, completely and commonly spawn with enchants such as multishot. They are not "better" than Pillagers, they just fulfil another purpose, but they are FAR MORE DESTRUCTIVE.

    Pillager Guards can sight players more clearly. So it's likely they will spot you from the Towers, alert other Pillagers from a far distance and hunt for you. Pillager Guards are dangerous, since they can alert other allies who they may want to attack easily by shouting or using their firework-loaded crossbows.

    NOT only that! They can also use TNT, making it a very destructive mob. Pillager Guards will try not to destroy structures of their own, but will destroy and plan their TNT blocks and ignite them to kill you with strategy or make them a more difficult enemy.

    Hoarders, being the smartest of abstract choices, will suggest where Pillager Guards should place their TNT, if you leave it to soon, it's likely their Village will blow up for a few houses. But it's easy to spot where they choose to set their tnt, KILL and get rid of Hoarders.

    extra i was also thinking of skeleton and miniture donkey hoarders. what about it?

    submitted by /u/Redioverz
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    replace the sea pickles in desert villager houses with green candles

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    it doesn't make too much sense as to why they would have a couple sea pickles lying around outside of being imitation candles. since candles are now in the game, why not swap them out?

    submitted by /u/monkeygirl526
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    Iron gate?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Iron gate?

    add an Iron gate that works like iron door and trapdoor? that would be cool

    a Possible texture for the iron gate

    submitted by /u/GranataReddit12
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    Patch Command Block

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Patch Command Block


    Patch Command Blocks (PCB) can be used to create command from pieces. Idk how hard it would be to code/store in the world (for computer), but i think this idea deserves attention.

    How does this work:

    Line of these blocks is equal to one regular Command Block. First command block contains beginning of command and others continue it.

    Examples of using this:

    • You need to give player an interactive book to teleport between locations on your adventure map. But you do not want to let him teleport into unexplored locations AND this map is not linear, so you can't give them ready books with unlocked previous locations every time they get some savepoint. With this, you need to make a line of PCBs with:
    1. first block: /give @ p written_book[pages["[/"/";
    2. line of empty PCBs, one for every location;
    3. last block: ]"],title:"Custom Book", author:Player}

    and one regular command block in every unlockable location which places PCB with selected text on picrelated instead of empty PCB. So, when you receive this book, it contains all unlocked locations.

    • Villagers trades
    • Unlockable qualities for armor and weapons with tags
    • Unlockable CanBreak's for tools and etc.
    submitted by /u/Embebeber
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    The ironmongster, the metal monster of the submerged caves

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 03:21 PM PDT


    The ironmongster is a fishy mob made of raw iron with steel jaws. They swim around y: 34-10 They also have iron bars for fins, whether welded together by volcanic activity, or separate bars.

    When in its 24 block radius, it swims towards the player to take a bite out of them. It usually does 3 to 4 hearts of damage.


    They are pretty abundant in dropping raw iron (2-4 drops); meaning you can sometimes hunt them for the material, rather than mining it all the time.

    Another thing they can drop are the iron jaws, which can be placed on the ground (similar to how The Great Hunger works, ensnaring entities that step on it) or they can be used as a weapon, dealing as much damage as iron swords with sharpness.

    submitted by /u/Master_Wildfire_2017
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    Supplement the ring system of Stronghold generation with additional (but less dense) Stronghold generation anywhere in the Overworld.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Fewer Strongholds would be generated near 0,0; the population would be reduced: Only 1 Stronghold would be in the innermost ring, 2 Strongholds in the next ring out, then 3, then 5, 7, 9, 12, and finally 3. That leaves 42 Strongholds whose location would be attached to 0,0. These Strongholds will always generate above y = 5.

    Additional Strongholds would be able to generate anywhere outside of x = ±25K, by z = ±25K. These Strongholds will always generate below y = 0 and be composed of Deepslate bricks. Deepslate Strongholds would not be allowed to generate within 15,000 blocks of another Stronhold of any type.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Icicles that are like dripstone, but for cold caves?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I thought of this around a year ago when seeing the dripstone and I just think it would be a cool opposing block :)

    submitted by /u/FinlayHamm
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    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    The Soulager is a new illager mob that is based on the soul sand valley. It is a blue illager with brown cloak. They have green eyes.

    Attacks: they have two attacks. First one is shooting souls out of their eyes. The souls are the same from the soul speed particle. They deal 2 and a half damage each. The second attack is that a big soul explosion hits on you. It deals 3 damage. The soulager spawns with soul speed iron boots. They have 9 hearts. They spawn on the 3rd raid wave.

    submitted by /u/Few_Chipmunk_2590
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