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    Minecraft Shear a pumpkin twice to give it a creeper face

    Minecraft Shear a pumpkin twice to give it a creeper face

    Shear a pumpkin twice to give it a creeper face

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Not sure if that's the best way to do it but creeper faced pumpkins would be pretty epic.

    submitted by /u/Fricking-Heck
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    An easy way to restore stripped logs

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    Stripped logs now drop an item called bark, which you can hold while right clicking on the stripped log to put it back on. If you purposefully stripped it, the bark could be used in the composting bin, which would return bone meal just like flowers.

    The reason I want this added is becaus way to often I'm building something in survival and I accidentally tap the wrong button, basically meaning one piece of wood goes to waste

    Edit: Bark could also be used as fuel, credit to u/Valishap

    Edit 2: Bark could also be used to create bark blocks. I personally imagine these as just regular wood with bark on the top and bottom, which would mean that it would make sense to add spruce bark, oak bark, and all the other tree types as well. Credit for original idea to u/TheGamerEmerald


    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Rare Spider/Cave-Spider drop: Spider’s Legs

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    Spiders and Cave Spiders would have a 10% chance of dropping a Spider's Legs upon death when killed by the player (the same rarity as a Rabbit dropping a Rabbit's Foot). The chance can be increased by 3% per level of Looting used, up to a maximum chance of 19%.

    Spider's Legs can be used to brew a Potion of Climbing.

    When drunk, you will be given the Climbing Effect.

    The Climbing Effect will allow you to climb up walls just like Spiders and Cave Spiders.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Nightmare, a powerful queen of the Phantoms

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Now i had this idea in a dream, a Phantom variant that is a summonable boss.

    How to summon:

    ~You must gather a Insomnite from a normal Phantom, which is a rare (3%) chance. 4 are needed to craft together with 5 membranes to create a special pendent.

    ~Reset your insomnia through sleep, then wait as usual without sleep, but wear the pendent on the first night where Phantoms will come out.

    ~Upon midnight, time will freeze, a thunderstorm will start, and you hear a terrifying screech...


    ~It boasts 200 HP, same as the Ender Dragon

    ~During the fight, you cannot take off the pendent (which is a shame, because it provides no armor points)

    ~It has 4 Attacks that will rain hell on you

    ~During the fight, your afflicted with a status effect (Nightmare) that prevents you from sleeping

    ~First attack: it fires explosive fireballs that leave a ghastly green fire that water cannot extinguish (similar to Cursed Fire from terraria)

    ~Second Attack: it will flap its huge wings to send a turbulence that will really blow you away, stronger than a Ravagers roar

    ~Third Attack: it will try to swoop at you. Avoid it, or it will grab you with its talons and take you high into the sky, to drop you!

    ~Fourth attack: If you somehow cured Nightmare status effect with milk, the monster itself will let out a terrifying scream that puts back the status effect and punishes you with 10Hp of armor-piercing damage

    One you slay the Nightmare, time goes back to normal and you gain its essence, (Nightmare Soul). It works like an enchantment: Combine it with a sword via anvil to gain a Fearful Slash enchanted Sword. When you kill an enemy with this, nearby monsters will freeze in fear for a few seconds, allowing group problems to be solved easier or for a quick getaway.

    There, that was a long post, do you approve the Nghtmare?

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    Realistic biome transition

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    After searching forever for a seed that would satisfy my "this looks realistic" itch, I figured I should come to reddit to say something.

    It doesn't make sense that a desert can border a snowy tundra ... or icebergs being visible from the coast of a plains biome.

    Therefore, I suggest that a rule be implemented that would prioritize biome selection (upon world generation) based on what biomes are adjacent, keeping climate and temperature in mind while doing so.

    For example ... deserts could only border badlands, savanna, warm ocean ... savanna could border swamp, jungle, plains, desert (with various % of generation chance) ... plains into forest.... forest into taiga ... taiga into snow taiga ... snow taiga into snow tundra ... natural realistic biome transition .... that sort of thing.

    submitted by /u/anonym00xx
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    Pressing F when hovering over an item in your inventory would put it in your offhand.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    The nine hotbar slots have this property where you can press the key 1-9 while hovering your mouse over an item to put it in that hotbar slot. This suggestion would make the offhand slot similar to the hotbar slots in that regard.

    This is such a simple and convenient suggestion, and I doubt it would be very hard to implement. I have a hard time believing that no one else has thought of this yet.

    submitted by /u/Kebabrulle4869
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    Minecraft's underground

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:27 AM PDT

    This will be a long read, so I hope you have the patience to read my ideas of a more interesting Minecraft underground experience! :)

    I remember my first Minecraft world very vividly. I didn't have a real house, not even a dirt house. I lived in a hole I dug into the face of a cliff. It was very cosy, and I have good memories of that place. But just 30 blocks away, there was a location in the same cliff face that made me feel very uncomfortable. It was one of those large cave entrances, that looked like a meteorite crashed into the earth and dug itself in. I never ever entered it, although I've played on that world for a full year. I was frightened by the generated underground of Minecraft, and I'd rather use my own tunnels, which were lit, and safe. Where the monsters couldn't get to me. Now, around 8 years later, I'm not scared of the caves anymore. To me they've become a mere tool to find precious ores in the heart of the Minecraft world, the mobs inside just a minor inconvenience. My history with the caves are long and full of turmoil, and I know I'm not the only one. You know what I mean, the hissing behind your back which meant certain death. But nowadays, caves won't work for my anymore. If I want good loot, I can visit locations above ground, which give much more challenge and amazing loot. Why dig to the centre of the earth in an extreme hills biome to find emeralds, when you could just spend ten, maybe fifteen minutes to find buried treasure? I think Minecraft players should be encouraged to explore the caves again, and the caves should provide more uncertainty and fright.

    I first got an idea of a better underground when seeing a video of all Minecraft cave sounds. When I heard cave4.ogg, literal chills went down my spine. The sound of a hellish roar in the distance, echoing through the tunnels, from a faceless creature. Not the video, but one of the comments really shaped the idea for me. It went as following: "Imagine if there was a creature, somewhere lurking in the depth of Minecraft's caves, making these noises. Imagine what would happen if you encountered it. Imagine what would happen if IT encountered YOU." Comment by Cosmo Tewulf. I couldn't agree more. So I worked it out. Imagine a mini boss, that very, very rarely spawns underground. It's so rare, that not even the Minecraft community is sure it does exist. If it is in a radius of a thousand blocks away from you, you can start hearing it. Hellish roars like cave4.ogg echo through the tunnels. Alongside with it, claw marks or other trails can be found in the caves, hinting of an unknown danger that has passed through here. Note: marks are only found in places where it has physically been. That will be your trigger to leave these tunnels as fast as you can. Why, you ask? You could try to defeat it! Don't. It's a strong creature, so strong and so tough, that trying to kill it would be senseless. At least without enchanted diamond armour. This is a very late-game mob, and should be avoided at all costs. What is this mob? Good question. It might be a digging worm, but that wouldn't fit the description of the creature before. A giant spider is a possibility, because it stays within Minecraft's theme with cave spiders, but it still doesn't work for me. It should probably be some total new creature, incomparable with anything in the real world, similar to the creeper.

    But with this mob it is not finished yet. If you a just some 60 blocks under the surface, it wouldn't be a real threat. So here's what I came up with. What if the bedrock is not the limit of the Minecraft world? Let's say that rarely, a cave plunges right through the bedrock layer into darkness. If you enter that darkness, you'll enter a different kind of cave system, it will be larger and with more branches. Then, you'll be in the real underground, several hundreds of blocks deep, counting from 0 to minus 300 maybe. You'll find more lava, less water, and new ores and mobs. This is where the shadows lie, and where our unknown mob spawns. Venturing into the depth of caves will be more dangerous, challenging, pleasant, creepier and overall more rewarding. The new underground spawns strange ruins with stranger mobs. The deeper you go, the more dangers you will encounter... Down here, light shines less bright, and you'll need twice as much torches to light up places you visited before. Also, staying here too long will cause you to get miners sickness, because of a lack of sunlight along with the mental struggles being in this unforgiving place, you'll get very light nausea which get's worse over time. If you stay for very long, you'll hallucinate, seeing mobs that aren't there. They will attack you, but won't damage you. This is especially fun when playing with friends, as you might see a dangerous mob on the other side of this ravine and you warn your friends for it, but they see nothing, because it's not there. Going above ground will cure your miners sickness and reset it, so you can go down again.

    Additionally, we shouldn't let the above zero caves deteriorate. They could have a greater variant of blocks and more interesting cave generation. Mojang had the right idea when implementing ravines, so why stop there? There are literally endless possibilities to cave generation. A big hole underground with a village in wall? Sure, let's do it! Big stalagmite/stalactite caves? A great idea! I encourage Mojang to make the underground frightening again, and make me scared of entering those dark tunnels grasping the surface sometimes, grabbing players from their lives into the darkness of Minecraft's caves...

    I know there are a lot of frequently posted suggestions in here, but i thought to give them some context and flare.

    submitted by /u/jarNO_WAY
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    An actual use for Desert Wells

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Have each well generate with short sandstone paths pointing towards any nearby villages, mansions, temples, outposts, igloos or swamp huts. It's a very simple edition but it gives it a cool niche without compromising its design.

    submitted by /u/N0thingtosee
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    Improving Phantoms

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    I think Phantoms in their current state are more of an annoying mob than something that adds to the game.

    I propose that only one Phantom ever spawns at a time, but one that is 4 times the size of the current ones and has more health. I also think they should have more interesting attacks than just biting you once, they could pick you up and drop you for example, or have a big knockback attack when swiping down at you. I also think Phantom Membrane should have more use, which could be for phantom clothing that improves speed and agility or has special enchantments, or a phantom block that can be placed without needing another block to place it on, or something else unique.

    This would make The Phantom more of a semi-boss fight and less of just an annoyance.

    Another idea I'm less sure about but I think could be good is Phantom nests. Maybe they're in the sky at cloud level made out of the phantom blocks I mentioned above, and in them are sleeping phantoms and phantom eggs, which could possibly be taken and hatched to have tamed phantoms. I think we could do with more tamed mobs that can defend you, and a flying one would be great. The phantom blocks could mimick the colour of the sky on their bottom texture so that they're hard to see from below.

    Interested in hearing opinions!

    submitted by /u/TrisTanK989
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    An Update to Swamp Wildlife: Murky Water Monsters

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    The swamps feel... well, they feel dead. Even though they have quite a bit of plant life, with all the lily pads and trees, they feel so bland. So I, with my incredible logical thinking, decided the best way to defeat the problem is to add more creatures that will make you dead instead of the swamp! Now yes, I know we already have witches and slimes, but slimes, while useful, have the most basic, uninteresting functions ever. And witches are confined to very rare huts. I think the swamps need more constant threats, with their own rewards, to make them worthwhile and interesting.

    My first mob idea is the pickled drowned. This would be a wrinkly-looking, dark-green drowned with black, empty eyes. They are extremely slow, even more so than normal drowned, and would never exit the water. However, they would inflict poison and hunger on anything they hit, so they would still be dangerous. They would only spawn at night. Not low light levels, but nighttime. Pickled drowned could also be created any time of day by luring any zombie variant into a swamp and leaving them there for a while. They drop normal drowned items, as well as kelp, seagrass, and poisonous potatoes (due to their own poison leaking into their potatoes). They could also be right clicked with shears to get green dye, though this would damage the player.

    But I have more ideas than just angry undead cucumbers! My next idea is quite a rare mob: the Aberration. This would work a bit like a phantom, but it would spawn rarely in swamps when a player is going around graveyards (a rare structure). It would look like a ghostly crocodile with four wings in the places of its legs, which it would move like boat oars. It would mostly float high above the player, occasionally making noises that would sound like if a phantom's call was put into a blender with a ghast's whines. Sometimes, though, it would fall down at the player, doing massive damage upon a direct hit and sending out a damaging shockwave of particles that would knock back any who didn't get the message to jump. If the one it was stalking got low on health, it would fly much lower and eventually, if the player were to get down to the point where their health bar was bouncing up and down quickly (2 hearts and below) it would come down to face level and bite, dealing enough damage to kill the player regardless of armor. This mob would keep you from sleeping by acting as a monster nearby, while not actually being very nearby at all. The message would pop up like normal if a player tried to sleep while it was following them. Another thing: to avoid the issue phantoms face when diving, it would be able to travel through blocks. This creature would drop phantom membranes (0-4) and its own head (if killed by an arrow of slow falling). It would also have a unique drop: unearthly substance. This item would be used to brew nightmare fuel, a special potion that would spawn an aberration on the player it is used on.

    My final mob is the Griffinfly. This would be a gigantic dragonfly (the size of a spider) that would zip around and rush the player, doing 6 damage if the player had no armor. On hard, it would pick up players and let go when hit. It would also drop the player after ten seconds of carrying. However, the fly would work just like controllable Elytra when the carried player uses fireworks. It would be weak to bane of arthropods. It wouldn't have many drops, but here they are: any item from animals it killed (it would hunt: wolves, foxes, pigs, cats/ocelots, and spiders) and 0-2 mandibles. Mandibles would be used to craft the griffinfly jaws, a special helmet. This helmet would allow for picking up animals the griffinfly can hunt by shift-right-clicking them, and carrying said animals with the player on Elytra. These animals would be immune to fall damage while flying with the player.

    That's all I have for now, but I'm sure other people have some cool ideas too. I'd like to start my own post series where I create special mob ideas for biomes that need them. Who knows, maybe Mojang might see this one day?

    submitted by /u/RockHopperSSM
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    Minecraft’s Fossils need to look more like dinosaur fossils.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    The Fossils in Minecraft look like weird extinct creatures (that have no legs, tails or arms, but have a body and skull). I think they would look more like dinosaur fossils to make them more realistic and interesting (it's Fossil's skull should most likely be changed to look like a dinosaur's).

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Ender Dragon boss phases

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 10:38 PM PDT

    The ender dragon hasn't be changed much for a while now, it just looks rushed TBH. Take the Wither boss, for an instant, the Wither is a (fairly) well-designed boss (although it is its flaws). When the wither reals half health, a shield protects, it, causing you to change tactics (aka bash-its-head-with-a-sharp-sword tactic)

    It would be nice if this also applies to the Dragon

    Phase 1---Alerted

    The Ender Dragon would have only 1 main attack, headbutting. She would mostly fly around the crystals to try and protect them. She won't perch on her nest yet in this phase

    Phase 2---Protecting

    When the numbers of crystals get reduced to 1 left, the dragon would enter this phase. Would circle around the player. Shooting ender charges and occoisionaly retreating to the final crystal to protect it

    Phase 3---Charging

    When there are no more crystals left. The dragon would actively chase the closest player. If she lands a headbutt, then she would go and perch on her bedrock nest, shooting end charges and players far away. Every 40-60 seconds, she would order a nearby endermen to attack the player, meaning that the player would need to check around for hostile endermen.

    Phase 4--- Final stretch

    At half health, the dragon would fly a bit faster, every 20-30 seconds she would order 1-3 endermen to attack you. Her main attack is not headbutting anymore, instead, every ~30 seconds she would fly fairly close to spray some ender acid at you before retreating. Headbutts would only be used if the player actively goes close to the Ender Dragon

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Skeleton Skulls would naturally generate.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    The Skeleton Skulls would naturally generate everywhere in the Overworld (as rare as a Fossil). They would be like remains of ancient NPCs and other humanoid-like mobs that once roamed the Overworld in ancient times.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Dog update for minecraft

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    I don't know if somebody has thought of this before, but Mojang should add a feature where you can throw a stick or bone, and your dog will fetch it and bring it back to you

    submitted by /u/MrBleachClean69
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    Drowned shouldn’t spawn everywhere in Ocean biomes.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:29 AM PDT

    In Bedrock Edition, Drowned are as common as you see underwater. However, the Ocean shouldn't be that dangerous. Drowned could be rarer, they would spawn in the Ocean Caves as deep as Y-coordinate 20 or deeper. Or even the deep bottom of Ocean Ravines. Sometimes Shipwrecks or Underwater Ruins, otherwise, they would be a fairly common danger of the seas.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Pillager/ Ravenger drops

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Warning: This is very long and written on mobile.

    The main village on my survival world is under constant attack from pillagers. I've noticed pillagers only drop their crossbow and ravengers only drop saddles. I have an idea for better drops for pillagers and ravengers.

    First I want to explain what I think would work better for their coding. I call it a rage bar. The rage bar would power how viciously the illagers attack. Rage can be brought up by killing wandering pillagers, attacking the pillager Outpost, and displaying illager heads and banners. Say one wandering pillager killed=+1/2 rage.1 block of an Outpost destroyed=+1/10 rage. One illager at the outpost killed=+1 rage. Rage would dictate how many levels are in a raid instead of bad omen level or how many raids won. I believe that rage could be used to help "customize" raids more. Here is my drop ideas. Pillagers would have a 65% chance of dropping a "Pillager Belt" The pillager belt is a drop that looks like the belts the pillagers wear. If you trade 10 belts to the Cleric villager you get an emerald. Pillager would also a 4% chance to drop their heads. Illiger heads would have these drop rates 4% for pillagers, 3% for evokers, and a 2% chance for Vindicators. The heads can be displayed on the village wall (if you have a wall around your village) the heads will send any ravengers that get within 10 blocks of it into a rage and let a roar similar to at the start of a raid and will instantly boost the illagers rage by 10% per head. The ravengers, after seeing it will charge the wall and spend 3 minutes breaking a 4x4 hole in it. It will not destroy any blocks behind it. The skulls can also be placed once a raid is triggered and have the same effect. One it charges, all other illigers will surround it and attack any player who attempts to get near it. At this time, Ravengers will not attack the player, so if the player gets near them will not be in danger from the ravengers attacking and can kill it with more ease. Once the wall is destroyed and the pilligers pick up the skull, they will charge into the village. The more rage the raiders the more damage they will deal and attacks on them will cause less damage. I believe ravengers should only drop saddles at the same rate other mobs drop items in their hand. Instead, they will have a 38% chance of dropping Ravenger horns. The horns, when added to a crafting table in the four corners with a Pillager Belt in the center surrounded by eyes of ender will create a totem of undying.

    submitted by /u/wolfegirl101
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    Mob Loot Stealing Option

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    When you are killed by a zombie in with this feature on, instead of dropping loot, a zombie is spawned with your loot holding the item that was in your hand when you died. In order to reobtain your loot, you must kill the zombie and it will drop your loot. This can be seen as a new challenge and possibly could be spread onto other mobs. If you die with keepInventory on, a zombie won't spawn as you have kept your loot.

    submitted by /u/FinballX
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    Custom Difficulty (Toggling Gamerules in a menu)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Recently, there has been the addition of the new gamerule "disableRaids", which does exactly what the name implies, that's a great addition, but just like any other gamerules, you need to have cheats enabled in order to toggle it. Before i continue, i'm well aware that you can temporarely enable cheats by opening the map for LAN for a small period of time, but this suggestion goes a little beyond just that.

    The menu could be located right at the difficulty bar, similiarly to the Lock button, you would need to reduce the width of the bar (that says "Easy", "Normal", etc), but i'm pretty sure the text would still fit.

    As for the menu itself, i would separate certain Gamerules from cheaty ones. Gamerules like "disableRaids" should only require a few clicks to be enabled, while things like "keepInventory" should not only be a page further, but said page should give a warning to the player in the likes of "These Gamerules fundamentally change how the core survival gameplay works".

    Here are the reasons why i believe this should be added:

    1. Accessibility: Don't get me wrong, the commands are pretty accessible, but unexperienced players could deal with an easier yet just as efficient solution. Not to mention, it could potentially look nicer.

    2. Locking: Locking the difficulty could affect gamerules as well.

    3. Cheats enabled bring the ability to do things like teleporting, changing the gamemode, etcetera. Gamerules should be toggable without also bringing the ability for a player to do things that are more game-changing.

    EDIT: I just noticed there is another post about Custom Difficulty, i didn't see it before making my own, but the suggestions themselves are different.

    EDIT 2: Added third reason supporting this suggestion's inclusion.

    submitted by /u/MimoFG
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    Suggestion pipes

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    I say minecraft should add pipes to transport items and need a redstone signal like powered rails. They could be used to move items from hoppers to chests or anywhere else they need

    submitted by /u/cosmicgrenade190
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    [Bedrock Edition] Dirt + Bleach = Podzol

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    Podzol is just infertile dirt, which means it's incapable of supporting life because it's kinda dead. And since bleach is good at, uh, bleaching things...

    8 Podzol could be crafted with 8 dirt and 1 bleach.

    submitted by /u/mcplano
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    New functions for animals Episode 1: Mule

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Hello, hello! Welcome to "New functions for animals"! This is the first episode, based on an nice addition for mules to make them more usefull. So, mules! For some, an cool animal, for others, useless. Well, not saying it is completely useless, but we sure can add an other layer of usefullness.

    The suggestion

    Right of the bat, the suggestions is... a seeder! To craft it, you will need: 5 cobblestones, 1 stick and 2 wood planks (any type).

    The purpose of the seeder is to plant an high number of seeds in an fast and efficient time. If you right-clicked it, a GUI would appear for you to insert the seeds. Can plant 3 rows at a time.

    How it affects Mules and Minecraft

    "Oh! Minecraft is medieval-style, seeders can't be such a thing!"

    Actually, seeders date up to the XVI century! These seeders moved by mules are older then you think, and fits very well with Minecraft style.

    "It would be OP"

    That's why i found a way to nerf it. Each mule/donkey/horse comes with 3 stats: Speed, Health and Jump Strength. It currently is determinated randomly (if you thought that it passes from parents to offspring, i'm sorry, your life was a lie). So an fix to the Breeding should be done. Here's an example: You have an horse with 16 HP, and good speed and low Jump Strength, and you breed that horse with an donkey with 16 HP, low speed but high Jump Strength. It will result into an Mule with at least 25 HP, good speed and good Jump. After that explaining, the horse speed and health should affect the speed of it pushing the seeder. Mules with low health and speed should be slow pushing a seeder, and Mules with good health and speed should be fast pushing the seeder. Another nerf should be that ONLY Mules can push the seeder.

    The end

    That's it! Thanks for reading, and see you at the next episode of "New functions to animals"!

    submitted by /u/JWE-fan
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    Phantom Boss

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    If you kill 10 phantoms there is a 20% chance that the next night is going to be a thunderstorm, if not, the kill count will reset. If the next night is in fact a thunderstorm a Phantom Boss will spawn.

    Once the Phantom Boss spawns villagers will hide inside their houses, all passive mobs will run away and you will not be able to sleep. Both nether and End portals will not work, forcing you to stay in the overworld. But you don't necessarily have to fight, after 2 nights and 1 day pass the thunderstorm ends and the Phantom Boss will despawn.

    But if you do want to fight this is what you're dealing with:

    The Phantom Boss has 3 stages

    stage 1- Spawns 5 phantoms, staying up in the air

    stage 2- (after all 5 phantoms are killed) starts using "bite", spawns 1 phantom every 30 seconds

    stage 3- (after he has less than half hp) starts using "lift off?" in about a third of the dives.


    The Phantom boss has a similar behavior to regular phantoms, but he is not afraid of cats and will not stop his dive unless you hit him in the head.

    STATS (normal difficulty)

    HP: 80

    Attack strength (bite): 15 damage + 5 poison

    Attack strength (lift off?): 10 blocks up and 15 knock back

    Speed: up to 30 blocks per second (1.5 times the speed of a regular phantom)

    Drops: 5-10 phantom membranes, 50xp and Phantom Boss Head

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    Minecraft should add a separate item for Ominous Banner in Java Edition

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    Minecraft should have a separate item/ID for Ominous Banners. Like minecraft:ominous_banner or minecraft:illager_banner and they should make it unobtainable in the creative inventory (Like what it is like now) and make the name non-italic but still preserve the orange-ish tooltip color. So it cannot be dyed and the tooltip don't show the pattern. I will thank Jens Bergensten a lot if he decides to have this feature.

    submitted by /u/Bust2Death
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    Terrariums, and with that, reptiles/amphibians!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    So, this would be semi complicated. First off, there's terrariums. They can be crafted with two glass on top of two black concrete in a 2x2 crafting grid. They can be placed either singly or doubly, like a chest, and when right clicked it would open a UI with, let's say, six boxes for a single tank and 12 for double, and a long box on the bottom. Besides this box, each one would be in a different side of the tank, with two in the middle. These would allow you to add in decorations, with certain things translating to actual tank decorations (a stone button can translate to a small rock, vines to, well, a vine, etc) . The items that could be put into the tank, and their translations, are:

    Stick - A small stick in the tank, animals can climb it

    Stone button - Small rock in the tank, can be climbed

    Vines - 1-2 vines going to the top of the tank, climbable

    Bowl - A small bowl in the tank, can be filled with water

    Any plants - any plants put in will be smaller in the tank, and can be hiding spots for animals

    Coral, sea pickles, kelp, sea grass - these only work if the tank is full of water

    Saplings - these will create a small tree in the tank, certain animals can climb it

    Dirt, sand, gravel, podzol, etc. - Substrate, placed in the bottom box

    Now, for the animals. These would mostly be biome specific, so I'll say the animal and it's biome, as well as the sized tank it needs (1 or 2)

    Frog - Found in swamps, needs a 2 sized tank

    Lizard - Found in jungles, deserts, mesas, swamps, and would have different skins based on where they are found. Needs a 2 sized tank

    Turtle - found in grasslands, needs a 2 sized tank

    Toad - found in mesas, grasslands. Can be put in either sized tank

    Snake - found in forests, jungles, deserts and swamps. Different skins depending on biome. All but forest snakes would need a 2 sized tank, while forests can be size 1

    Salamander - found in forests, jungles and swamps. If found in a swamp, it is aquatic, otherwise they are terrestrial. All can be placed in either sized tank

    And now, fish

    Tropical fish - schools, can be placed in either sized tank, but if placed in size one, the school will be smaller.

    Pufferfish - Can be placed with tropical fish if in a 2 sized tank

    Betta fish - found in swamps, can be placed in one sized tanks or two

    Now, you may be wondering, what about feeding them? This is where some new items come in. These items include: crickets, mice, and fish food. Toads, frogs, lizards and salamanders would eat crickets, snakes would eat mice, all fish, and swamp salamanders, would eat fish food, and turtles just eat wheat. Pets must be fed every four Minecraft days, or they will die. There is a gamerule for this, just in case.

    Any other ideas would be helpful, I guess

    submitted by /u/ZT2Cans
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